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Browse By Topic Hepatitis A Vaccination

Los virus de la hepatitis aguda A, B y C son objeto de una vigilancia epidemiológica nacional.  Entre 1995 y 2005, las tasas de hepatitis aguda por estos tres tipos de virus disminuyeron en forma drástica. Esta reducción fue una de las consecuencias de la implementación de estrategias de prevención globales para cada enfermedad, entre las que se incluye la disponibilidad de vacunas eficaces contra las hepatitis A y B.     

El “ABC” de la hepatitis
Listen to the podcast Listen To This Podcast... (1:24)

Los virus de la hepatitis aguda A, B y C son objeto de una vigilancia epidemiológica nacional. Entre 1995 y 2005, las tasas de hepatitis aguda por estos tres tipos de virus disminuyeron en forma drástica. Esta reducción fue una de las consecuencias de la implementación de estrategias de prevención globales para cada enfermedad, entre las que se incluye la disponibilidad de vacunas eficaces contra las hepatitis A y B.   (Created: 3/2/2007 by MMWR)
Date Released: 1/18/2008

National surveillance is conducted for acute hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. During 1995--2005, rates of all three types of acute viral hepatitis declined dramatically. These declines partially resulted from implementation of comprehensive prevention strategies for each disease, including the introduction of effective vaccines against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.    

The ABCs of Hepatitis
Listen to the podcast Listen To This Podcast... (0:59) (A Minute of Health with CDC)

National surveillance is conducted for acute hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. During 1995--2005, rates of all three types of acute viral hepatitis declined dramatically. These declines partially resulted from implementation of comprehensive prevention strategies for each disease, including the introduction of effective vaccines against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.  (Created: 3/2/2007 by MMWR)
Date Released: 8/10/2007

National surveillance is conducted for acute hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. During 1995--2005, rates of all three types of acute viral hepatitis declined dramatically. These declines partially resulted from implementation of comprehensive prevention strategies for each disease, including the introduction of effective vaccines against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.    

The ABCs of Hepatitis
Listen to the podcast Listen To This Podcast... (9:34) (A Cup of Health with CDC)

National surveillance is conducted for acute hepatitis A, B, and C viruses. During 1995--2005, rates of all three types of acute viral hepatitis declined dramatically. These declines partially resulted from implementation of comprehensive prevention strategies for each disease, including the introduction of effective vaccines against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.  (Created: 3/2/2007 by MMWR)
Date Released: 8/10/2007

  Page last modified August 8, 2007

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