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Director's Report to the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse
September, 2001


A NIDA conference, MDMA/Ecstasy Research: Advances, Challenges, Future Directions, filled the Natcher Auditorium July 19-20, 2001. The speakers and poster presenters addressed the scientific research on methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy"), including its neuropharmacology, addiction liability, MDMA-related risk behaviors, neuropathology and its long-term behavioral consequences, ontogenetic effects, cardiovascular toxicology, drug interactions, patterns of abuse, perceptions of risk, implications for prevention and treatment, and the toxicology of amphetamines replacing MDMA (such as PMA and PMMA). The conference included all NIDA disciplines, preclinical and clinical, and was international in scope. In addition to their findings, speakers commented on the difficulties in conducting and interpreting MDMA-related research, and helped identify research areas requiring special emphasis. The conference was planned by Drs. Jerry Frankenheim (chair), Timothy P. Condon, Dorynne Czechowicz, Joseph Frascella, Steven Grant, Glen Hanson, Elizabeth Lambert, Rita Liu, Minda Lynch, Dorota Majewska, Angela Martinelli, Cindy Miner, Ro Nemeth-Coslett, Moira O'Brien, Eve Reider, and Jack Stein.

On August 9-10, 2001, NIDA held its 2nd National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research: A Progress Update at the Omni-Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC. Top drug abuse prevention scientists shared research findings from the past five years with community leaders, educators, and other practitioners. Family, school, media, and multi-context prevention projects were presented. The conference focused on determining effective practices and interventions for particular communities and groups. Emerging trends in drug abuse prevention were also highlighted.

On July 10, 2001, NIDA sponsored a workshop entitled The Hypothalamus and Addiction, co-chaired by Drs. Karen Skinner, Deputy Director for Science and Technology Development, DNBR, and Jonathan Pollock, Chief, Genetics and Molecular Neurobiology Research Branch, DNBR. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the extent to which gene expression studies in the hypothalamus may inform biological studies on the anatomy and function of the hypothalamus in varying "states" including addiction. The workshop brought together leading experts interested in the hypothalamus from a variety of research perspectives. Their expertise included molecular biology, the anatomy and development of the hypothalamus, and the role of the hypothalamus in sleep, appetite, addiction, and mental health. The workshop's agenda included a few brief presentations to stimulate discussion. They covered a range of topics including: (1) the functional significance of the hypothalamus from an evolutionary perspective; (2) the utility of studying gene expression in the hypothalamus to identify neuronal cell types and their interactions; (3) current perspectives and hypotheses regarding the role of the hypothalamus in addiction; (4) applications of molecular biology to specific neuronal tracing; (5) identification and quantification of low expression genes; (6) acquisition of spatial information about gene expression; (7) advances in understanding the complexity of hypothalamic connections and gene expression; and (8) the extensive challenges associated with high throughput transfer of gene expression data to a 3-dimensional atlas in a practical, informative and correct manner.

Drs. Bill Bukoski, DESPR and Minda Lynch, Chief Behavioral and Cognitive Science Research Branch, DNBR co-organized a one-day workshop entitled Bridging Neurobiological, Behavioral, and Prevention Sciences in conjunction with the June 2001 meeting of the Society for Prevention Research in Washington, D.C. The event brought together senior scientists and early career investigators in an interactive forum to discuss training and research issues at the intersection of basic and prevention sciences. Junior investigators in cross-cutting areas that span basic biobehavioral investigation and prevention research (e.g., parenting influences, stress and environmental enrichment) were invited to present research findings and discuss shared research perspectives. The workshop included a grants writing tutorial and topics tables (e.g., gender issues, cognitive science in prevention, neurobiological influences, etc.) staffed by the senior scientists, with NIDA staff participation.

A workshop entitled The Development and Functions of the Frontal/Prefrontal Lobes: Role in Drug Abuse was held on June 11-12, 2001. The aims of this meeting were to review what we know about the development and expression of frontal/prefrontal lobe functions and to make recommendations about how this knowledge can be used in the study of drug abuse. Participants included: Drs. Adriana Alcantara (University of Texas at Austin); Russell Barkley (University of Massachusetts); Joshua Berke (Boston University); Martha Denkla (Johns Hopkins University); Jordan Grafman (National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke); Marc Hauser (Harvard University); Bill Overman (University of North Carolina); Linda Porrino (Wake Forest University); Michael Posner (Cornell University); Tony Simon (University of Pennsylvania); and Linda Spear (State University of New York at Stony Brook). Two of the research areas targeted for further development were decision processes/choice, and the role of the reward system and emotion in controlled and automatic cognitive processes. The workshop was planned and chaired by, Drs. Herb Weingartner, Glen Hanson, David Shurtleff, Lisa Onken, Meyer Glantz and Richard Millstein.

Drs. David Shurtleff and Minda Lynch, DNBR co-chaired a symposium at the August 2001 American Psychological Association's annual meeting in San Francisco. The symposium, entitled Impulsivity and Drug Abuse featured the following presentations: Dr. Jane Taylor (Yale University) on "Cortico-Limbic-Striatal Dysfunction after Stimulant Administration: Evidence for Impulsivity from Animal Models"; Dr. Peter Finn (Indiana University) on "Signal Salience and Working Memory in Impulsivity: Implications for Substance Abuse"; Dr. Suzanne Mitchell (University of NH) on "Correlates of Heightened Impulsivity in College Students"; and Dr. Joel T. Nigg (Michigan State University) on "Unitary Versus Multiple Inhibition Processes: A Developmental Perspective".

Drs. Susan Volman and Minda Lynch, BCSRB/DNBR, along with co-chair Dr. Patricia Grigson from Hershey Medical Center, organized a symposium at this year's Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior meeting in June, 2001. This session, entitled Like Drugs for Chocolate: Separate Rewards Modulated by Common Mechanisms? addressed overlapping neurocircuitry for natural and drug rewards in the context of appetitive and consumatory behaviors. Presentations were given by Dr. Marci Pelchat (Monell Chemical Senses Ctr.) entitled "Of Human Bondage: Craving, Obsession, Compulsion and Addiction", Dr. Regina Carelli (UNC) on "Neurophysiological Analysis of Cocaine Self-Administration vs. Natural Reinforcement", Dr. Ann Kelley (University of Wisconsin-Madison) on "Opioid Modulation of Taste Hedonics within the Ventral Striatum", and Dr. Kenneth Carr (NY School of Medicine) on "Augmentation of Drug Reward by Chronic Food Restriction: Behavioral Evidence and Underlying Mechanisms". Dr. Grigson also served as discussant for the symposium.

Drs. Minda Lynch, DNBR, Steve Gust, OD, and Katherine Davenny, CAMCODA, served as NIDA representatives to the planning committee for a trans-NIH, international meeting on Stigma, sponsored by the Fogerty Institute at the Pooks Hill Marriott in Bethesda, MD, September 5-7, 2001. Aspects of stigma and stigmatization of individuals and groups were addressed in regard to the epidemiology of stigma, theoretical perspectives, methodological considerations, interventions, ethical and legal aspects. In addition to presentations by internationally known researchers studying the effects of stigma, break-out groups run by NIH staff discussed exemplars of disease-associated stigma, including drug abuse and alcoholism disorders.

Dr. Bill Bukoski, OD, DESPR, Dr. Minda Lynch, BCSRB, DNBR, and Dr. David Shurtleff, OD, DNBR coordinated a NIDA-sponsored workshop at the CPDD meeting in June, 2001 in Scottsdale, AZ. The workshop, entitled Bridging Biological, Behavioral Science and Drug Abuse Prevention: Intervention and Insult Along a Developmental Continuum addressed developmental issues in the malleable trajectory to drug abuse behaviors in youth. Dr. Stephen Suomi from NICHD presented recent findings on complex interactions between parenting style and genetic markers for central neurotransmitter activity. Dr. Barry Kosofsky and Dr. Joseph Biederman from Harvard Medical School presented, respectively, on prenatal drug effects in cocaine-treated rats and ADHD/co-morbid disorders as a risk for subsequent drug abuse in adolescents.

Dr. Frank Vocci, director, DTR&D, NIDA, and Dr. Scott Leischow of NCI co-chaired a locally held joint NCI-NIDA working group meeting on pharmacological approaches to nicotine addiction on May 17-18, 2001. The goal of the meeting was to define the needs and challenges associated with the development of new agents for the treatment of nicotine addiction and to propose strategies for their resolution, with a particular focus on the more rapid testing of promising new agents. Dr. Richard Klausner, Director, NCI and Dr. Alan Leshner gave their perspectives on this issue. NCI (Dr. Leischow and others) and NIDA (Drs. Aigner, Hanson, and Vocci) met subsequently and will follow up on a list of potential activities that arose from the meeting.

A workshop on Clinical Consequences of Marijuana, planned, organized, and conducted by Jag H. Khalsa, Ph.D., CAMCODA, and Rao Rapaka, Ph.D., DNBR, was held on August 13-14, 2001. A group of nationally and internationally recognized clinicians and scientists (Martin, Mechoulam, Fried, Tashkin, and many others) discussed the available published and/or unpublished data on clinical consequences of marijuana. The topics included: general health, brain, cardiovascular, pulmonary/respiratory, endocrine, reproductive/developmental, and immune consequences of marijuana, and finally, treatment of clinical consequences of marijuana use. Speakers also discussed the issues of translating/extrapolating basic research to clinical consequences. Finally, they made excellent recommendations for future research. The recommendations included the study of: (a) neurocognitive effects of chronic marijuana use by adolescents and young adults; develop animal models for studying marijuana dependence in humans; marijuana effects in various human diseases (cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary/respiratory diseases; immune dysfunction-related infections); chronic effects of marijuana on sleep disorders; drug-drug interactions between marijuana and those used in the treatment of mental disorders or other diseases; develop functional assays to study neuro-psychiatric/behavioral deficits; (b) effects of chronic marijuana use on atherosclerotic events (clotting mechanisms; lipid metabolism) and endothelial function; arrhythmic effects of chronic marijuana use; plasma fluid changes (i.e., renal effects via renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system); long-term effects on coronary output by using non-invasive techniques; (c) lung immunity among chronic marijuana smokers; incidence, prevalence and underlying pathophysiology (molecular/genetic basis) of head and neck cancer and other cancers (cervix, prostate) associated with chronic marijuana use; conduct population-based epidemiologic studies, and determine if chronic marijuana smoking is associated with cancer by using tumor registries. The speakers recommended that NIDA should train and encourage investigators from other disciplines to conduct research on clinical consequences of marijuana. It was also agreed that the proceedings should be published in a scientific journal. An executive summary is being prepared for publication that will identify the research priorities for the future. In addition, a brief summary of the workshop, the agenda, abstracts, and recommendations for future research will be placed on the NIDA website.

The Clinical Trials Network and the Women and Gender Research Group co-sponsored a meeting entitled Research Opportunities for Gender Issues in the Clinical Trials Network, held in Bethesda, MD, May 14-15, 2001. This meeting has led to the establishment of the Gender Issues Group within the CTN.

The Women and Gender Research Group sponsored a seminar by Dr. Heidi Resnick of the Medical University of South Carolina entitled, Prevention of Post-Rape Psychopathology and Drug Abuse, May 24, 2001. The seminar was organized by Drs. Eve Reider and Coryl Jones, DESPR.

Drs. Lisa Onken and David Shurtleff organized and co-chaired a symposium entitled Treatment Strategies for Smoking Cessation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 24-27, 2001, San Francisco, CA. The session speakers were Drs. Sharon Hall, David Wetter, Timothy Baker and Stephanie O'Malley.

NIDA sponsored 30 Junior Investigator Travel Awards for Research on Women and Gender Differences for the June 17-21, 2001 College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ meeting in Scottsdale, AZ. These awards are designed to promote entry of junior investigators into drug abuse research on women and gender differences.

NIDA was a co-sponsor of the Third SAMHSA National Conference on Women, held in Orlando, FL, June 18-21, 2001.

NIDA's Special Populations Office convened a meeting of its Native American/Alaskan Native Work Group on May 22-23, 2001.

A CTN National Steering Committee Meeting was held July 16-18, 2001, in Denver, Colorado. The members met to review and discuss 13 new protocol concepts for further development in the Network. The Lead Investigators for the current 7 CTN protocols gave updates on their enrollment status. All CTN subcommittees and interest work groups presented reports as well.

The NIDA CTN Ad Hoc Oversight Board, chaired by Dr. Leshner, convened on July 31, 2001, at NIDA Headquarters. The members reviewed the next round of research concepts for implementation in the Clinical Trials Network.

The CTN Data and Safety Monitoring Board met on June 25, 2001. The group reviewed the status of the CTN protocols, data from CTN-0001, 0002, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0007 including any serious adverse events in the current protocols.

The CTN Annual Kick Off Meeting was held September 10-11, 2001, in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Richard A. Millstein, NIDA Deputy Director, spoke to the Native American Researchers and Scholars Workgroup on NIDA's Health Disparities Plans, May 22, 2001, Rockville, Maryland.

Mr. Richard A. Millstein, as Acting Director of NIDA's Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research, met with the Board of Directors and engaged with the membership of the Society for Prevention Research on current and future prevention program planning, May 31 - June 1, 2001, Washington, D.C.

Mr. Richard A. Millstein, NIDA Deputy Director, spoke on NIDA's health disparities plan and opportunities for minority researchers at the Boston University School of Social Work Faculty Institute on Substance Abuse Research and Communities of Color, June 4, 2001, Boston, MA.

Mr. Millstein presented welcoming remarks at the NIDA Symposium "Frontal Lobe Functions: Applying what we Know to Prevention of Drug Abuse," June 11, 2001, Rockville, M.D.

Mr. Millstein moderated a panel, "Observations and Perspectives: NIDA's Community Epidemiology Workgroup at 25: Where We've Been and Where we Should be Going," at the 50th meeting of the CEWG, June 14, 2001, Rockville, MD. Panelists included Drs. David Musto, Robert DuPont, Richard Clayton, and Zili Sloboda.

Mr. Millstein presented on Understanding and Treating Drug Abuse and Addiction and Addiction is a Brain Disease, at the Parole Board of Georgia Training Conference, "Improving Public Safety Through Quality Programming," August 1, 2001, Jekyll Island, GA.

Mr. Millstein participated as a discussant and as a moderator in the U.S.-Netherlands Workshop on Bi-National Research Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction, September 6 - 7, Cumberland, MD.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon, Associate Director, NIDA, presented a plenary address entitled "Prevention and Treatment of Drug Abuse: What We Have Learned From Research?" at the Northwest Substance Abuse Prevention Conference in Portland, OR on May 4, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon gave the keynote address entitled "Addiction is a Brain Disease: New Implications for Research and Practice" at the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - Rochester Area meeting in Rochester, NY on May 18, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon presented NIDA's third Annual Leadership in Research Award to Steven L. Gallon, Ph.D. in recognition for his outstanding leadership in applying research on drug abuse and addiction. The award was presented at the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors' Annual Conference in Portland, OR on May 24, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon presented "Community Impact of Designer Drugs" at the Law Enforcement and Educator's Response to Ecstasy and Party Drugs Conference in Albuquerque, NM on May 30, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon presented the keynote address at the Parsons Oklahoma Summer Institute on Substance Abuse entitled "Research Advances in Drug Abuse and Addiction: Implications for Blending Research and Practice" in Oklahoma City, OK on June 11, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon presented "Addiction is a Brain Disease: New Implications for Research and Practice" at a plenary session at the Connecticut Alcohol & Drug Policy Council Conference on Prevention, Treatment, Criminal Justice, Forging Partnerships for Substance Abuse Services in Middletown, CT on June 13, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon spoke at the Early Career Investigator Luncheon at the annual College on Problems in Drug Dependence meeting in Scottsdale, AZ on June 19, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon was the keynote speaker at the Summer Institute on Addiction Treatment and Prevention entitled "Principles of Effective Treatment: Blending Research and Practice" in Reno, NV on July 18, 2001.

Dr. Timothy P. Condon served as a judge at the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival in Palm Springs, CA on August 12, 2001.

Dr. Jack Stein, Deputy Director, OSPC, presented a "NIDA Research Update" at the Johnson Institute Foundation National Leadership Forum Meeting in Washington, D.C. on May 11, 2001.

Dr. Jack Stein presented an "Overview of Club Drugs" for Naval officers at the Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC on July 11, 2001.

Dr. Jack Stein participated in a panel discussion on "Substance Abuse Clinical and Policy Advances: What is Needed for Welfare and Medicaid?" at the Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy Forum Meeting in Queenstown, Maryland on July 17, 2001.

Dr. Jack Stein participated in a plenary session "Federal Perspectives on Research to Practice, What NIDA is Doing" at the Summer Institute for Arizona Substance Abuse Consortium in HonDah, Arizona on August 2, 2001.

On July 11-13, 2001, Dr. Timothy P. Condon and Beverly Jackson, Chief, Public Information and Liaison Branch, OSPC, participated in the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center (TTURC) Meeting in Chicago, IL. Ms. Jackson participated in a communications training session for TTURC information and press officers.

Drs. Cindy Miner and Angela Martinelli of the Science Policy Branch, OSPC, organized and hosted, "NIDA Tutorials", Saturday, June 16, 2001, at the annual College on Problems in Drug Dependence meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. This workshop featured several NIDA training grant directors presenting overviews on both fundamental and emerging issues in drug abuse research to NIDA supported pre and post doctoral trainees and fellows.

Drs. Cindy Miner, Mark Swieter, David Shurtleff and Angela Martinelli organized and presented the NIDA/CPDD Grant writing workshop at the annual College on Problems in Drug Dependence meeting, Tuesday, June 19, 2001.

Dr. Cindy Miner, Chief Science Policy Branch presented "Addiction is a Brain Disease" for the Summer Program in Neuroscience, Ethics, and Survival" (SPINES) program at the Marine Biological Laboratory, June 28, 2001, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Dr. Angela Martinelli, Science Policy Branch, OSPC visited the Georgian Forest Elementary School, Silver Spring, MD on February 23, 2001. She discussed the role of elementary education in preparing her for a career in nursing and science and how her education prepared her for her current responsibilities at NIDA and NIH.

On June 23, 2001, Dr. Angela Martinelli, Science Policy Branch, OSPC represented NIDA at a program entitled "Education Excellence through Prevention, Montgomery County Public Schools, Safe and Drug-Free Schools." Participants of this program included Montgomery School system teachers, counselors, security officers and parents.

Dr. Cathrine Sasek, Science Policy Branch, OSPC, participated in a conference entitled 'Ethics in the Science Classroom", July 23-27, 2001. Much of the conference focused on issues related to drug abuse research and the use of animals in research. High school science teachers had the opportunity to try some of the activities in the high school curriculum "The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction" that is scheduled to be released this fall.

Drs. Jack Blaine and Frank Vocci, DTR&D, co-chaired a panel on Pharmacotherapies for Cocaine Dependence on May 30, 2001, at the NCDEU meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. At this panel Dr. Thomas Kosten spoke on the efficacy of disulfiram in several studies, Dr. Kyle Kampman spoke on the efficacy of amantadine and propranolol in patients with severe cocaine withdrawal symptoms, Dr. Paul Fudala spoke about the evaluation of selegiline, and Dr. Ed Nunes spoke about antidepressant medications treatment for comorbid cocaine dependence and depression.

Dr. Frank Vocci, Director, DTR&D, spoke on The Development History of Buprenorphine at a symposium titled: Ready, Set, Go: Bringing Buprenorphine to the U.S. Market at the CPDD meeting on June 18, 2001, in Scottsdale, Arizona.

In June 2001, Dorynne Czechowicz, M.D., DTR&D, represented the National Institute on Drug Abuse, at the CSAT sponsored meeting of the Federation of State Medical Boards in Dallas, Texas. The purpose of this meeting was to develop model guidelines for State medical boards regarding the use of buprenorphine in medical practice.

On July 25, 2001, Dorynne Czechowicz, M.D., DTR&R, represented NIDA at a CSAT sponsored meeting on LAAM and its cardiac effects. The purpose of this meeting was to develop guidance for drug treatment programs.

Dr. Steven Grant, DTR&D, was a discussant at a symposium entitled "Risky Business: Pathological Gambling and Drug Use Disorders" at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the College on Drug Dependence in Scottsdale, AZ, June 16-21, 2001.

Dr. Steven Grant, DTR&D, represented NIDA at the Office of National Drug Control Policy International Technology Conference in San Diego, California, June 25-28, 2001.

Dr. Steven Grant, DTR&D, was a discussant at the "Current Neuroimaging Studies" and "Co-Morbid Psychiatric Disorders" sessions at the workshop on "Chromosome 18: The Current State of the Science" held at the Natcher Auditorium on the NIH Campus, Bethesda, MD in July 9 - 10, 2001.

Dr. Steven Grant, DTR&D, gave a talk entitled "Consumer's Guide to Functional Imaging" in the symposium "Integrating Neuroimaging and Neuropsychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Substance Abuse" at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, California, August 24-26, 2001.

Drs. Steven Grant and Joseph Frascella, DTR&D, represented NIDA at the HIRES2001 "High Resolution Imaging in Small Animals with PET, MR and Other Modalities: Instrumentation, Applications and Animal Handling" conference held in Rockville MD, September 9-11, 2001.

Dr. Joseph Frascella and Dr. Ahmed Elkashef, DTR&D, co-chaired a symposium (Dr. Frank Vocci was a discussant) at the CPDD meeting entitled Biomarkers in Cocaine Addiction: Implications for Drug Development, Scottsdale, AZ, June 20, 2001.

Dr. Joseph Frascella, DTR&D, participated with Dr. Scott Lukas of McLean Hospital in a grant-writing workshop at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, June 28, 2001.

The Regulatory Affairs Branch, DTR&D, held a workshop at the annual meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) on Monday, June 18, 2001 entitled "Regulatory and Human Protections Issues for Running Clinical Trials in Drug Dependent Populations." Robert Walsh, RAC and Frank Vocci, Ph.D. co-chaired the workshop, which was intended to help PIs become more familiar with Human Subjects Protections, Investigational New Drug (IND) submissions, and new NIH regulations that are targeted towards clinical trials.

Robert Walsh, RAC, Frank Vocci, Ph.D., Ahmed Elkashef, M.D., Richard Hawks, Ph.D., and Nora Chiang, Ph.D., all of DTR&D, participated in a series of meetings with the Food and Drug Administration's Division of Anesthetic, Critical Care and Abused Drug Products staff to discuss "Phase II medications trial issues relating to cocaine and methamphetamine dependent populations; and safety issues related to Research INDs." The purpose of the meetings was to: 1) identify safety information that would be necessary for researchers to have when doing clinical studies in these populations, and 2) identify common deficiencies in sponsor-investigator INDs and how best to help researchers in the field avoid them.

Debra Grossman, DTR&D, participated in a CSAT sponsored Federal Resource Panel Meeting focused on Guidelines on Acupuncture Incorporation in Addiction Treatment Programs (GAIATP) on August 2, 2001.

Dr. Lisa Onken, DTR&D, chaired a symposium at the American Psychological Association annual meeting in August on "Innovative Behavioral Treatment Development Research: Highlights of NIDA's Stage I Program." At this symposium, Drs. Varda Shoham & Michael J. Rohrbaugh presented their research on a family treatment for change-resistant smokers. Dr. Marsha Linehan talked about treating women with drug dependence and borderline personality disorder.

Dr. Thomas Brandon spoke on the development of a new treatment strategy for smokers involving enhancing task persistence. NIDA Council member Dr. Steven Hayes served as a Discussant for the panel.

Dr. Betty Tai, DTR&D, gave a presentation on the CTN: What's In It for You at the annual NAADAC Meeting on May 23-26, 2001, held in Portland, Oregon.

Dr. Betty Tai, DTR&D, gave a presentation on the CTN at the CPDD CTN symposium "CTN Challenges and Opportunities" in Scottsdale, AZ. Dr. Leshner and several CTN researchers and community treatment providers also spoke.

Dr. Jerry Frankenheim, DNBR, presented "NIDA's Club Drugs Initiative" at the American Society of Addiction Medicine Annual Medical-Scientific Conference, in Los Angeles, April 21, 2001.

Dr. Frankenheim, DNBR, presented "GHB Abuse - Pharmacology, Sociology, and Withdrawal" at an American Academy of Sleep Medicine satellite symposium, "Sodium Oxybate and Narcolepsy: Basic and Clinical Aspects," at the Association of Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting, in Chicago, June 7, 2001.

Dr. Cora Lee Wetherington, DNBR, and NIDA's Women and Gender Research Coordinator, hosted the "Gender Issues" roundtable in the "Roundtable Discussions: Hot Topics in Drug Abuse Research". The event was sponsored by NIDA's Child and Adolescent Workgroup and was held at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Minneapolis, April 18-22, 2001.

Dr. Cora Lee Wetherington, DNBR, and NIDA's Women and Gender Research Coordinator, gave a talk, "Gender Differences in Drug Abuse" at the meeting, "Research Opportunities for Gender Issues in the Clinical Trials Network," May 14-15, 2001, Bethesda, MD.

Dr. Cora Lee Wetherington, DNBR, and NIDA's Women and Gender Research Coordinator, hosted the roundtable "Gender: How Does It Matter for Prevention Science?" at the NIDA meeting, "Bridging Neurobiological, Behavioral, and Prevention Science Workshop," May 29, 2001, Washington, DC.

Dr. Cora Lee Wetherington, DNBR, and NIDA's Women and Gender Research Coordinator, served as the discussant in the symposium, "When Mars Meets Venus: Gender Differences in Drug Dependence," at the annual meeting the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, June 16-21, 2001, in Scottsdale, AZ. The symposium was co-chaired by Drs. Dace Svikis and Loretta Finnegan and the speakers were Drs. Howard Chilcoat, Donna Miles, Scott Lukas, Karol Kaltenbach, and Kathleen Brady.

Dr. Cora Lee Wetherington, DNBR, and NIDA's Women and Gender Research Coordinator, served as the discussant in the session, "Gender Specific Issues in the Addictions" at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 24-27, 2001, San Francisco, CA. The session speakers were Drs. Rebecca Craft, Nancy Petry, Hendree Jones, Christine Grella, Lisa Marsch, and Warren Bickel.

Dr. Dionne J. Jones, CAMCODA, represented NIDA at the AIDS IMPACT: Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection Fifth International Conference in Brighton, England, July 8-11, 2001.

Dr. Dionne J. Jones, CAMCODA, represented NIDA at the Research Ethics for Mental Health Science Involving Ethnic Minority Children and Youth Conference sponsored by Fordham University Center for Ethics Education in New York, July 16-17, 2001.

Dr. Dionne J. Jones, CAMCODA, represented NIDA at the 7th Annual Summer Public Health Research Videoconference on Minority Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, June 20-22, 2000.

Dr. Lula Beatty, Special Populations Office (SPO), presented a talk entitled "Women in Cultural Context: The Hope of the CTN" at NIDA's CTN meeting on gender on May 15, 2001 in Bethesda, MD.

Dr. Lula Beatty, SPO, presented a session entitled "Grant Writing: Obtaining Support for Outstanding Ideas" at the 4th Annual Conference on Counseling African American Families on April 27, 2001 in Houston, TX.

Dr. Lula Beatty met with participants in a summer institute for minority doctoral students at Boston University on June 7, 2001 to discuss drug abuse research in minority communities and research training opportunities.

Dr. Lula Beatty attended the CPDD meeting June 17-19, 2001, and met with the underrepresented populations committee to discuss research development and training needs.

Dr. Lula Beatty met with participants in NIH's Extramural Associates Program on July 19, 2001, to discuss research needs and opportunities at NIDA.

Dr. Lula Beatty presented a faculty development seminar at Hampton University on August 6, 2001, to discuss funding opportunities at NIDA.

Dr. Lula Beatty participated in several events at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, August 23-27, 2001 in San Francisco. They include: organizing a symposium on drug abuse research and careers for Diversity 2000, a leadership development program for minority community college students; hosting a session on NIH funding opportunities for the Public Interest Directorate; and participating in the Executive Committee meeting of Division 35 (Psychology of Women).

Ana Anders, SPO, opened the Hispanic Cluster Conference in San Diego on August 6, 2001.

Ana Anders attended the Substance Abuse Treatment in Women Workshop sponsored by CSAT on June 22, 2001.

Ana Anders attended the NIH Diversity Council meeting representing the Hispanic Employees organization on July 18, 2001.

Dr. Teresa Levitin, Director, OEA made a presentation on the NIH grant review process and procedures at the Joint Statistical Meeting, Atlanta Georgia in August 2001.

Dr. Mark Green, Chief, Clinical, Epidemiological, and Applied Sciences Review Branch, OEA, and Dr. Swieter presented an OEA workshop entitled, "What's New at NIH: How Will it Affect You?" at CPDD.

Mr. Richard Harrison, Chief, Contracts Review Branch, OEA, served as consultant and panelist on the "Traditional Teaching of our Sons" panel at the Phoenix Area Indian Health Service Women's Leadership Conference III held in Scottsdale, Arizona, May 22-23, 2001.

Dr. Marina Volkov, Clinical, Epidemiological, and Applied Sciences Review Branch, OEA, presented on grants and NIDA funding at a workshop at Iowa State University on June 12, 2001.

Dr. Elizabeth Robertson, DESPR, presented a two-day workshop on funding opportunities and grant writing at the University of Alabama on May 14 and 15, 2001.

Ms. Susan David, DESPR, moderated two panels on persuasive communications research and presented on a panel on the evaluation of the ONDCP media campaign at the International Communications Association Meeting, May 24-28, 2001, Washington, DC.

The Society for Prevention Research met in Washington, D.C. from May 29 to June 2, 2001. Stff from NIDA's Prevention Research Branch were involved in a variety of activities. Dr. Elizabeth Robertson consulted with early career at the Early Career Preventionist Network luncheon and presented at a symposium titled Prevention Science Priorities at NIH. Ms. Susan David moderated a panel on persuasive communications research. Dr. Eve Reider participated in the Bridging Neurobiological, Behavioral, and Prevention Science Workshop held before the conference. She participated in the NIDA Grants-Writing Workshop and Topics Roundtable on Gender: How Does it Matter for Prevention Science?

On June 6-8, 2001, Ms. Susan David, DESPR, represented NIDA at a National Cancer Institute-sponsored meeting, "Tobacco Use Among Youth-Research Investigators Meeting in Park City, Utah.

On June 16, 2001, Dr. Elizabeth Robertson, DESPR, presented "An Update on Prevention Research" at the CPDD international pre-conference meeting. On August 15, Dr. Elizabeth Robertson, DESPR, presented a briefing on the 2nd National Prevention Conference to the Prevention Round Table.

Dr. Eve Reider, DESPR, presented on April 25, 2001 at grand rounds, Department of Psychiatry, Washington University, St. Louis, MO on "The Science of Drug Abuse Prevention: Meeting the Challenge in the 21st Century."

Dr. Eve Reider, DESPR, represented the Prevention Research Branch at NIDA at the Drug Abuse Prevention Summit Conference held in Snowbird, Utah on April 26-27, 2001.

Dr. Eve Reider, DESPR, presented at the Grantsmanship Workshop for Social Scientists, held June 12-13, 2001, Institute for Social and Behavioral Research, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Her presentations included "Current Funding Priorities at NIDA" and "Effective Consultation with Agency Staff and Identifying the Right Grant Mechanism."

Dr. Eve Reider, DESPR, presented a poster at the 2001 National HIV Prevention Conference on August 14, 2001 in Atlanta, Georgia at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel. The poster is entitled "NIDA Funded HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Programs in At-Risk Populations."

Dr. Jacques Normand, DESPR, participated in the NIDA, NCI, and RWJF TTURC/Partners Summer Retreat 2001 meeting in Chicago, IL July 11-13, 2001.

Dr. Lynda Erinoff, DESPR, represented NIDA at the University of Rochester Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide Scientific Consensus Meeting held in Bethesda on June 13-14, 2001.

Dr. William Cartwright, DESPR, participated in the Workshop on Estimating Costs of Parity, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in Washington, DC, April 30-May 1, 2001.

Dr. William Cartwright, DESPR was the chair and discussant at a session on the Economic Evaluation of Drug Abuse Treatment at the International Health Economics Association biannual meeting in York, England, July 22-26, 2001.

Dr. Jerry Flanzer, DESPR, conducted a grants workshop with the Faculty of the School of Social Work of Gallaudet University, Washington, DC on April 10, 2001.

Drs. Flanzer, Fletcher and Hilton, DESPR, met with county executives of Riverside, Tri-Cities (E. LA) and Imperial County California April 29-30, 2001 to discuss the developing urgency and opportunity for research between the public health and public safety systems due to the passing of California's Proposition 36. This resulted in a "blending science-community" meeting held July 15-16, 2001, hosted by the ten Southern California County substance abuse administrators and NIDA, with invited California oriented investigators exploring ways to "jump start" significant organizational, financial and other forms of health services research. Dr. Flanzer, NIDA, and Mr. John Ryan, County Administrator Association, chaired the sessions. Drs. Cartwright, Hilton and Delany contributed significantly with presentation highlighting the organizational, economic and service delivery outcomes science needs and directions.

Dr. Jerry Flanzer, DESPR, led a panel on the state of the art of NIDA sponsored adolescent services research at the CPDD conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, June 21, 2001.

Dr. Thomas Hilton, DESPR, participated in and presented a paper entitled: "New Funding Opportunities in Organizational and Management Science at NIDA" at the annual conference of the Society of Industrial/Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in San Diego, CA. June 25-30, 2001.

Dr. Thomas Hilton, DESPR, presented a paper entitled: "New NIDA Funding Opportunities in Health Services Research" at the annual conference of the Academy for Health Sciences Research and Health Policy (AHSRHP) in Atlanta, GA, held July 8-10, 2001.

Dr. William J. Freed, IRP, presented "Human Midbrain and Medulla Progenitor Cell Cultures" at the American Society for Neural Transplantation & Repair Eight Annual Conference, May 3-6, 2001, Clearwater, FL.

Dr. Cesar Borlongan, IRP, presented "Bradykinin B2 Receptor Agonist, Cereport, Facilitates Neuroprotective Effects of Cyclopsorine-a in an Animal Model of Parkinsonism" at the American Society for Neural Transplantation & Repair Eight Annual Conference, May 3-6, 2001, Clearwater, FL.

Dr. Rowena Johnston, IRP, presented "Analysis of Six Kidney Cell Lines for Transplantation" at the American Society for Neural Transplantation & Repair Eight Annual Conference, May 3-6, 2001, Clearwater, FL.

Dr. William J. Freed, IRP, chaired and presented a session entitled "Brain Imaging Tools for Drug Abuse Research" at the 2001 ONDCP International Technology Symposium entitled "Counterdrug Research and Development: Technologies for the Next Decade", June 24-28, 2001, San Diego, CA.

Dr. Jean Lud Cadet, IRP, presented at Grand Rounds at Howard University Department of Psychiatry in Washington, D.C. on June 28, 2001.

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