• Geological and Geophysical


The Geological and geophysical category page provides a listing of the most relevant metadata records of information pertaining to the sciences dealing with the composition, structure, and origin of the Earth's rocks and soils. Below is an interactive map of the coal fields in the United States.

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Live Data and Maps

Content Summary: GEODE (Geo-Data Explorer) is an Internet-based, USGS data delivery system that provides digital information to the desktops of clients and users by means of an innovative geographic information system (GIS) technology. GEODE uses a custom GIS interface developed by the USGS that allows policy-makers, land and resource managers, educators, private industry, and others to search for maps and databases, create custom map and data downloads, control map appearances, and display multiple layers of data for analysis. GEODE consolidates data from a variety of sources in order to simplify the data mining and decision-making process.
Content Type: Applications

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Content Summary: The MMS is making its existing cadastre data available at http://www.mms.gov/ld/Maps.htm. These data will include digital images of MMS data at the regional, planning area, Official Protraction Diagram (OPD), and Supplemental Official OCS Block Diagram (SOBD) levels and digital spatial data in Arc/Info export and Arc/View shape format at the regional or planning area levels.
Content Type: Clearinghouses

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Content Summary: The LASED IMS site incorporates a wide range of data types (sediment-sample logs and analyses, geophysical profiles, raster-image basemaps, logbooks, etc) that are integrated with spatial data to provide processing and visualization capabilities using standard GIS and Internet-browsing tools. The site highlights sediment cores and seismic data collected in the Gulf of Mexico and the lakes of southern Louisiana.
Content Type: Live data & maps

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Geologic Maps and General Geology

Content Summary: The Association of American State Geologists (AASG) is an organization of the chief executives of the state geological surveys in 50 states and Puerto Rico. The responsibilities of the various state surveys differ from state to state, depending upon the enabling legislation and the traditions under which the survey evolved. Almost all function as a basic information source for their state governments' executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Some have regulatory responsibilities for water, oil and gas, land reclamation, etc. This Web site provides links to the State geological survey Web sites, many of which distribute geospatial data.

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Content Summary: The Generalized Geologic Map of the United States map layer shows the geology of the bedrock that lies at or near the land surface, but not the distribution of surficial materials such as soils, alluvium, and glacial deposits. Descriptive information includes rock and deposit types, fault types, impact structure types, and the time period associated with the glacial limit. Further information on general geology is available from the USGS Geology Discipline home page, and information on geologic mapping is available from the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, Maps and Mapping page. The generalized geologic map of the United States can be downloaded as a GIS data layer.

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Content Summary: This Web site provides links to many geological surveys and associations, many of which provide GIS data.

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Oil, Gas, and Mineral Resources

Federal Surface Management Agency Boundaries

Content Summary: The Surface Management Agency map service is a seamless spatial layer of federal surface land management agency boundaries. The layer was developed by the BLM using data from the BLM, NPS, USFS, USGS, and other federal agencies.
Content Type: Live data & maps

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Content Summary: The USGS Central Energy Team provides periodic assessments of the oil and natural gas endowment of the United States. New, prioritized, assessment results, as part of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) and the current National Assessment are shown above. Additional EPCA and priority basin assessment results will be posted as they become available.
Content Type: Other documents

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Content Summary: The National Integrated Land System's (NILS) GeoCommunicator provides a Web Mapping Application and Map Services showing federal pending, authorized, and closed oil and gas leases, agreements, and lease sale parcels in the U.S on federal lands or where there are federal minerals. Agreements include communitization agreements, participating areas, exploratory unit, unit agreement, etc. This data is part of the National Integrated Land Systemt (NILS). The leases and agreements in NILS have been converted from the BLM's Legacy Rehost (LR2000) system where the original case records are electronically maintained.
Content Type: Live data & maps

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Content Summary: This map service and application contains geothermal leases and agreements from the National Integrated Land System (NILS). Geothermal leases and agreements are issued by the Bureau of Land Management on lands where the federal government owns the mineral estate (surface or subsurface) for the purpose of exploration and development of geothermal resources. The geothermal leases and agreements in NILS have been converted from the BLM's Legacy Rehost (LR2000) system where the original case records are electronically maintained.
Content Type: Live data & maps

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Content Summary: The National Integrated Land Systems (NILS) GeoCommunicator provides a Web Mapping Application and Map Services providing a seamless spatial layer showing federal pending, authorized, and closed solid mineral leases and agreeements in the U.S. Solid Minerals include coal, phosphate, sodium, gilsonite, sulphur, potassium, oil shale, uranium, logical mining units, known leasing area, mineral material disposal (sand, gravel, community pits), and miscellaneous uses (airports, parks).This data is part of the National Integrated Land Systemt (NILS). Each solid mineral parcel is represented by the land description as defined in the authorized document in the BLMs Land and Mineral Records System (LR2000). The data in NILS comes from the BLMs LR2000. Note that all of the data in the LR2000 system is not in NILS.
Content Type: Live data & maps

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Mining Claims on Public and U.S. Forest Service Lands

Content Summary: The National Integrated Land System's (NILS) GeoCommunicator provides a Web Mapping Application and Map Services providing a seamless spatial layer showing federal active and closed mining claims in the U.S. This data is part of the National Integrated Land Systemt (NILS). Each mining claim is represented by it's land description as defined in the BLM's Land and Mineral Records System (LR2000) and is mapped to the quarter or quarter-quarter section. Each mining claim may be located within up to five quarter sections, with a maximum area dependent on the mining claim commodity. While the mining claim has a precise location, BLM does not require that the location be a finer resolution than the quarter section. The data in NILS comes from the BLM's LR2000. Note that all of the data in the LR2000 system is not in NILS.
Content Type: Applications

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Geologic Hazards

Content Summary: Geologic hazard map geospatial data layers are available for download from the ftp site referenced here.

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Other Resources

Content Summary: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Geologic Data Model (GDM)

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Content Summary: FGDC Soil Geographic Data Standard

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