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Project Number 453
Date of Summary October 1, 2004

Production of a White Paper and Workshop Regarding a Full Scale Experimental Oil Release in the Barents Sea Marginal Ice Zone

Performing Activity SINTEF - Applied Chemistry
Principal Investigator Dr. Mark Reed
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Completion Completed
Description Discussions with government agencies and oil companies in the United States, Canada and Norway have indicated their interest in conducting a research program involving a full-scale experimental oil release in the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ). Primary interest appeared to be in evaluating alternative oil spill response options and in supplying data strengthened model simulations of oil-ice interactions.

The purpose of this project was to conduct a workshop to assemble potentially interested organizations capable of funding such an experiment and establish an information base upon which to make decisions regarding a full-scale experimental oil release in the Arctic MIZ. Potential partners were identified and invited to participate in a Sponsorship Development meeting. The meeting was conducted October 15-16, 2001 at the Minerals Management Service, Alaska Regional Office in Anchorage, AK.

The project goals identified are to:

1) Improve our ability to protect the Arctic environment against oil spills resulting from exploration, development, production and transportation activities.

2) Provide improved basis for decision-making by the responsible authorities, eg. Approval of spill contingency response plans in the Arctic areas;

3) Advance the state-of-the-art in Arctic oil spill responses, eg. Demonstrate workable response options for different ice conditions and oil types.


This project is complete. The Sponsorship Development meeting was conducted October 15-16, 2001 at the Minerals Management Service, Alaska Regional Office in Anchorage, AK.

SINTEF-Applied Chemistry generated a meeting summary report that was accepted and distributed.

AA (36 Pages)

Final Report and White Paper: Potential Components of a Research Program Including Full-Scale Experimental Oil Releases in the Barents Sea Marginal Ice Zone, Final Report, Reed, Jensen et al., SINTEF Applied Chemistry, October 24, 2002.


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Last Updated: 08/11/2008, 07:53 AM