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CDC Foundation

What Does the CDC Foundation Do?

The CDC Foundation helps the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) do more, faster to make the world healthier and safer.

CDC is the lead federal agency responsible for protecting Americans from diseases, injuries, environmental hazards, and other threats to health and safety. CDC experts work both behind the scenes and on the front line's to improve people’s daily lives and respond to health emergencies.

But CDC could never battle all the world’s health threats alone. That is why Congress established the CDC Foundation to connect outside partners and resources with CDC to build programs that enhance CDC’s impact. CDC scientists rely on the many vital alliances forged through the CDC Foundation to help address many critical health concerns at home and around the world.

How Does the Foundation Make an Impact?

As an independent, nonprofit organization, the CDC Foundation unites a wide range of private sector partners— individuals, corporations and foundations—with CDC scientists to achieve common goals. The results of those partnerships are far reaching and enduring. Current CDC Foundation partnerships are making safe drinking water accessible in developing countries, improving child abuse prevention programs, providing hands-on training for disease detectives in developing countries, and fighting the national obesity epidemic.

In each case, the CDC Foundation either accelerated CDC’s involvement in a vital health issue or created support in areas where none existed before. Here are a few more examples:

Preparing Leaders to Collaborate During Crisis

A national foundation and local corporate and nonprofit sponsors are helping prepare business, government, and nonprofit leaders to work together effectively during public health emergencies.

Addressing Obesity Among Youth

Funding from a corporation provided mini-grants to 47 US elementary schools to help improve physical education and nutrition policies and programs with help from CDC experts.

Fighting Global Tobacco Use

Funding from a foundation is helping establish a survey to collect data on tobacco use in countries with the highest smoking rates and to track countries’ progress in implementing tobacco-free programs.

Providing Bed Nets for Children

Gifts from individuals are helping CDC teams working in Africa purchase and distribute insecticide-treated bed nets to help fight malaria, a leading killer of children.

How can you help?

Together we share a collective responsibility to address the pressing health issues of today and tomorrow. You can make a critical impact on what CDC is able to accomplish in the future by becoming an advocate for public health and by investing in the work of CDC through the CDC Foundation. For more information on the CDC Foundation, visit

CDC Foundation

As an independent, nonprofit organization established by Congress in 1995, the CDC Foundation offers groups an opportunity to participate in CDC’s mission by partnering with CDC scientists. Sometimes these partnerships begin with CDC scientists who have innovative ideas but lack the resources to test and implement them.

Partnerships also form when individuals or organizations that share a passion for CDC’s mission recognize that they can better accomplish their public health goals by working through the CDC Foundation to engage and empower CDC scientists. Currently, the CDC Foundation manages four strategic initiatives and more than 100 programs in the United States and in 33 countries around the world. The programs are as diverse as the expansive role of CDC in the global public health arena and each program involves a talented team of experts at CDC and at least one partner in the private sector.

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    Atlanta, GA 30333
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  • Page last reviewed: February 11, 2009
  • Page last updated: February 11, 2009
  • Content source: Office of Enterprise Communication
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