Page Title:  PS Chinook Plan

Puget Sound Chinook ESA Salmon Recovery Plan

It's NOAA Fisheries Service policy to work collaboratively with local interests on Endangered Species Act programs and recovery plans. The Shared Strategy for Puget Sound is a voluntary coalition of federal, tribal, state, and local governments, and business and environmental organizations that is working to protect and restore regional salmon populations. Watershed groups across the sound drafted recovery plans for their areas. NOAA Fisheries Service worked with Shared Strategy participants and the Puget Sound Technical Recovery Team to combine those plans into a single plan for the ESU.

In June 2005, the Shared Strategy presented its regional plan for ESA-listed Puget Sound Chinook to NOAA. The Northwest Region then prepared a supplement that clarified and expanded on ESA recovery requirements. Following public comment on the proposed plan, NOAA finalized these two documents. Together the Shared Strategy plan and NOAA Fisheries Service supplement comprise a final recovery plan.

Jan. 19, 2007: NOAA Fisheries Service adopts final ESA recovery plan for Puget Sound Chinook.

Page last updated: 2009-05-06 11:58:29