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Strengthening and Expanding HIV Legal Services

Experience in the response to AIDS has shown that access to legal services is an important part of guaranteeing protection from discrimination, getting redress for human rights violations, and expanding access to HIV prevention and treatment. Yet such programmes are not sufficiently supported by national AIDS responses, and where they do exist, quality and scale are often insufficient. Read more

Influenza A(H1N1) and HIV infection

There are many questions concerning the potential impact of emerging influenza A (H1N1) on people living with HIV, as they are more susceptible to opportunistic infections. Read more
Considerations on influenza A(H1N1) and HIV infection (WHO guidance note)


e-Dialogue on universal access- contributions invited from partners

Supporting countries achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support is a corporate priority for UNAIDS.
The e-Dialogue on universal access provides a platform for all partners and stakeholders to generate and exchange innovative ideas and strategies to help shape universal access priorities in a changed global environment. Please join these exciting discussions at: http://forums.unaids.org

New UNGASS Guidelines for 2010 reporting

To assist Member States in preparing and submitting their 2010 Country Progress reports, UNAIDS has released the new UNGASS Guidelines on Construction of Core Indicators for 2010 reporting.

AIDS Policies and briefs

The AIDS policies and briefs provide a vision and specific guidance to policymakers, planners and advocates at all levels. They include Umbrella policies which reflect the commitments made by governments through the inter-governmental processes and Technical policies and guidelines which have been developed by UNAIDS Secretariat and its ten Cosponsors.

Important information about fraudulent emails

With UN and UNAIDS logos freely available on the web, many official looking but bogus web pages announcing public events, fund raising meetings, solicitations in the name of UNAIDS have become more and more common.

A Letter to partners

Executive Director Michel Sidibé describes how UNAIDS will re-double its efforts in helping countries realize their universal access goals including indicator mapping and targeted country support for countries that might be lagging. The letter also outlines ten areas needed to achieve universal access goals.
Download as pdf

UNAIDS Second Independent Evaluation

Public information will be posted on this web site as it becomes available.

The recruitment process for the two UNAIDS’ Deputy Executive Director positions is continuing. The two posts were advertised 30 January 2009. UNAIDS received 109 applications between the two positions. Short-listed candidates have been interviewed by a panel of senior staff from three UN agencies.

No Child Should Go Hungry in Indonesia - WFP (Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:37:50 GMT)

WFP in campaign to sensitise truckers on HIV - WFP (Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:31:24 GMT)

Kenya - WFP (Thu, 02 Apr 2009 08:13:39 GMT)


Country Response Information System (CRIS) version 3
CRIS3 enables national AIDS authorities to store, share and utilize the national HIV data in an effective manner with national and international counterparts.

HIV Indicator Registry
Through the Indicator Registry, professionals in monitoring and evaluation, for the first time ever have access to the complete definitions of all key indicators in one central database.