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Pollutants in the EnvironmentHome | Image Galleries | Pollutants in the Environment

Gravelly Run GPS Locations 21 and 22

Locations 21 and 22 are at the confluence of Little Elk Creek and Gravelly Run.  Residents who happened by stated that Little Elk Creek frequently floods and overtops that road and bridge.  From the bridge, one can see crops planted right up to the banks of Little Elk Creek in the downstream direction on both banks and on the right bank in the upstream direction.  The left upstream bank had a healthy, wide riparian zone.  Gravelly Run has sandy, gravel substrate and is on the order of 4.5m (15 feet) wide and 15 cm (6 inches) deep.  There is also a high water side channel of Little Elk Creek, which was consistent with the accounts of high water told by the residents.

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Location 22 - Confluence of Gravelly Run with side channel - note light colored sediment forming a delta

Location 22 - Confluence of Gravelly Run with side channel - note light colored sediment forming a delta

(11.30.99, Gravelly Run)

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