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A Glimpse of Horror
(9 reviews)
Incredible. Communism is so awesome. Look what it leads to. Maybe Obama will do some regime-changing of his own. more...
College acceptance rates: How many get in? -
(8 reviews)
Interesting statistics on admission rates to colleges and universities in the U.S. Still, selectivity doesn't necessarily follow from low admission rates --- it could be a matter more...
The Free Market Clapper
(21 reviews)
This is pure awesome. However, I think Obama could be rightly viewed as both part of the solution *and* the problem ... but focusing on him distracts from the bigger part of the more... - Huge Stash of Marijuana Found in Ancient Tomb - Science...
(42 reviews)
From the page: Duuuuuude! The world's oldest stash of marijuana has been found in far western China, according to an article in the Journal of Experimental Botany. An ancient more...,2933,460425,00.html
It took 90 minutes for Daily News to 'steal' the Empire State Building
(13 reviews)
"In one of the biggest heists in American history, the Daily News "stole" the $2 billion Empire State Building. And it wasn't that hard. The News swiped the 10 more...
Pictured: Spectacular images of deep space caught by an amateur astronomer...
(6 reviews)
Wow, what a great photo and story to enclose in his holiday cards. more...
Ocean currents can power the world, say scientists - Telegraph
(25 reviews)
From the page: A revolutionary device that can harness energy from slow-moving rivers and ocean currents could provide enough power for the entire world, scientists claim. The more...
Electric Cars: Michelin Develops Revolutionary Active Wheel for Electric...
(7 reviews)
Awesome! more...
Washington Plans Mass Slaughter of America&039;s Mustangs | CommonDreams...
(14 reviews)
It's a shame that they aren't Christian babies. Published on Sunday, November 30, 2008 by the Independent/UK Washington Plans Mass Slaughter of America's Mustangs Pressure fr more...
Mumbai photographer: I wish Id had a gun, not a camera. Armed police would...
(18 reviews)
What is the point trying to take them in alive?? I've stopped believing extracting information from them has got us anywhere in the past. From the page: "What is the point more...