Bring people directly to your site with StumbleUpon Advertising

No matter what size web site, we show your page directly to interested web surfers.

  • Target the exact audience you want
  • No clickthrough required
  • Get valuable feedback from interested users

StumbleUpon helps web surfers discover your site

StumbleUpon brings users directly to the page you specify

Target visitors based on their personal interests, location and more

See how many people rated your content thumbs-up or thumbs-down

Testimonials from our customers

"By advertising on StumbleUpon, Farecast has been able to reach an audience that is actively looking to find new and innovative websites like ours. An added bonus is the ability to target based on a user's geographic location or interest in a specific category. This has allowed us to land users on highly targeted and relevant landing pages, resulting in positive Stumbles."

"StumbleUpon proved to be a wonderful channel to drive targeted, cost effective traffic to our website. Furthermore, their vocal community helped us to further understand how to better position our product."

"We are a new site that needed some promotion and found stumbleupon to give us almost instantaneous results."