U.S. Department of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA Fisheries Strategic Plan

Our Goals and Objectives

In order to fulfill our stewardship mission, we have defined three broad strategic goals:

  1. Sustainable Fisheries
  2. Recovered Protected Species
  3. Healthy Living Marine Resource Habitat

Sustainable Fisheries. A sustainable fishery is one in which the rate of fishing mortality does not jeopardize the capacity of the stock to produce the maximum sustainable yield on a continuing basis. By building and maintaining sustainable fisheries, we ensure that fish stocks are available for commercial, recreational, and subsistence uses. To realize this goal, we will:

  1. Maintain healthy stocks important to commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries
  2. Eliminate overfishing and rebuild overfished stocks important to commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries
  3. Increase long-term economic and social benefits to the nation from living marine resources
  4. Promote the development of robust and environmentally sound aquaculture

Recovered Protected Species. Part of our stewardship responsibility is to ensure that our nation’s living marine resources will be protected and enhanced for future generations. Protected species under our jurisdiction include all cetaceans and pinnipeds (excluding walruses) in addition to those marine species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. NOAA Fisheries will provide effective leadership to conserve and recover marine species protected by statute or international treaty through conservation programs that are based on sound scientific research and decision-making. We will also provide for non-consumptive uses of protected resources which are compatible with their long-term conservation. To realize this goal, we will:

  1. Recover and maintain protected species populations
  2. Reduce conflicts that involve protected species

Healthy Living Marine Resource Habitat. All living marine resources are vulnerable to habitat degradation, which can threaten the biodiversity on which they depend. These habitats are at risk from human activities which degrade or destroy habitat quality and quantity. NOAA Fisheries recognizes that wise protection of living marine resource habitat is crucial to the success of management and conservation efforts. To realize this goal, we will:

  1. Protect, conserve, and restore living marine resource habitat and biodiversity

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