Holocaust-Era Assets

Civilian Agency Records

State Department and Foreign Affairs Records

Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State (RG 84)


The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was invaded by German forces early in May 1940, in violation of Luxembourg's neutrality.  The Grand Duchess and the Cabinet fled to London, establishing a government-in-exile there.  In August 1940 a civil administration replaced the German military occupation government.  Two years later, on August 30, 1942, Luxembourg was declared a "Germanic" state and incorporated into the Reich.

This incorporation completed the process of Nazi economic and financial penetration.  The Luxembourg banking system was integrated into the Reich.  The whole insurance business of Luxembourg was taken over by German enterprises which replaced Belgian, French, British, and Swiss companies.  Germany assumed complete control of the iron ore mines of Luxembourg.  The holdings of the two systems of railways were acquired by the Germans through compulsory sales.

Most of Luxembourg's small Jewish population were able to escape, but of the remaining 1,400, some 1,000 were exterminated in the Final Solution, with most being sent to Auschwitz, Lodz, and Theresienstadt.  

United States troops entered the country on September 10, 1944, but Luxembourg was not liberated until February 1945. (Note 84)  

Records of the Luxembourg Legation and Embassy

     General Records 1936-1939, 1943-1955 (Entry 2870)

          Boxes 1-52
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          16   851  Looted Assets and Gold 
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          20   711.3     Enemy Property
               711.9     Restitution  
          21   840.3     Looted Paintings  location: 350/63/14/06
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          25   711.3     Enemy Property  
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          31   711.3     Enemy Property  location: 350/63/14/07
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          41   711.3     Enemy Property  location: 350/63/15/01

     Classified General Records 1944-1955 (Entry 2872)

          Boxes 1-29
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          1    711.3     Enemy Assets  
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          2    711.3     Enemy Property 
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          3    711.3     Enemy Property
               711.3     Safehaven
               851  Looted Securities 
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          4    711.3     Enemy Property  
          Box # File #   File Title or Subject
          6    711.3     Enemy Property  

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