
First created 12/24/2003. DRR.

Last updated 12/30/2003. DRR.

link to a larger image of that 
shown on this page

USGG2003 is a gravimetric geoid that served as
the basis for GEOID03 within the conterminous
United States only. USGG2003 is very similar to
G99SSS differing only in the use of GSFC00.1
instead of KMS98 for the offshore gravity field.
The result of changing the altimeter-implied FAGA
data was to significantly improve the gravimetric
geoid primarily along the East Coast and especially
in Florida (a reduction from 40 to 30 cm in misfit).
This 25% improvement was determined by comparison
with GPSBM2003 point data. USGG2003 uses the same
data format and spacing as G99SSS and can easily
swapped in software applications.

Have a geoid question?
Dr. Daniel Roman 301-713-3202 x161 or
Dr. Yan Ming Wang 301-713-3202 x127

Have a question about absolute gravimetry and gravity base stations?
Mr. Daniel Winester 303-497-7405