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Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Studies

The Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCEs) Studies Program commenced in 2006 as part of the Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies Program (DeepCRES) in order to bridge an information gap in corals found at intermediate depths, in tropical and sub-tropical regions in the 30-100+ m depth range. Studies on intermediate depth zooxanthellate (light-dependent) coral ecosystems, typically found below 30 m along island and continental slopes, are far less common due to difficulties of sampling this depth with conventional SCUBA techniques. Advances in technical diving methods and instrumentation, such as mixed gas diving, rebreathers, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV), are increasingly providing easier access to study MCEs.

What are Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems?

Mesophotic coral ecosystems are found in areas of low light, but are often comprised of light-dependent corals and associated algal and sponge dominated communities. Considered as extensions of shallower coral reef systems, MCEs are likely to have biological, physical, and chemical connectivity with reefs and associated communities. Although these ecosystems harbor many of the species found in their shallower water counterparts, they can be colonized by a disproportionately high number of native species of fishes and invertebrates, and a lower diversity of corals.

In 2008, CSCOR held a major international MCE Workshop to identify emerging issues and management needs in order to assist NOAA and other government agencies in their research prioritization and strategic planning for MCEs. MCEs may be considered stable environments that can provide habitat to species from degraded shallow water coral reefs, thus warranting special resource management attention and protection to help maintain local and/or regional biodiversity. Protection may also offer a hedge against extinction to species native to MCE’s, which are more vulnerable to disturbance due to their limited geographic ranges. A better understanding of these environments offers potential findings of major interest for resource management.