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NMFS Sites
Other U.S. Government Sources
International Information and Statistics Sites
Trade Shows, Events, Conferences
Commerce Aquaculture Information
NMFS Science Center Aquaculture Related Sites
Other Aquaculture Sites

NMFS Sites

Fishery Market News
Seafood Inspection
NMFS Fisheries Statistics
Saltonstall Kennedy Grant Program
NOAA Grants Page

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Other U.S. Government Sources

Federal Register
FDA Office of Seafood
FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs
FDA's Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia
Center For Disease Control
GSA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
US Bureau of  Labor Statistics
US Bureau of the Census
USDA Economic Research Service
Stat-USA at The US Department of Commerce
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US ITC Tariff Affairs
US Trade Representative
White House Office of Science and Technology

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International Information and Statistics Sites disclaimer

FAO Globefish
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

    Australian Quarantine Inspection Service
     DFO Fisheries Statistics
Council of the European Union (public access to information about EU legislation and Council activities)
EU Commission Directorate General
EU Law
EU Official Journal
    EU Directives,  Preparatories, and Legislation
FAO Fish.Dept.
Foreign Exchange Rates
Grain Exchange (Shrimp Futures)
New Zealand
Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development
Seafood Network Information Center
Seafood Waste Management Information Center
United Kingdom
World Aquaculture Society
World Trade Organization
        WTO document s search

Top of PageTrade Shows, Events, Conferences disclaimer

AQ Magazine Calendar of Events Foreign Agricultural Services Events
Diversified Business Communications N. Scotia  Dept. of Fish & Aquaculture
FAO - Confer., Sympos.& Seminars Seafood Network Information Center
FAO - Meetings and Events Worldwide Shows and Fairs
World Catch Industry Calendar Sea Grant

Top of PageCommerce Aquaculture Information

NOAA Aquaculture Homepage
Department of Commerce Aquaculture Policy
NOAA Aquaculture Policy
Estimated U.S. Aquaculture production
Shrimp and Salmon Culture
NMFS Financial Services Southeast
NMFS Financial Services Northeast
NMFS Southwest Sustainable Fisheries Div.
Minority Business Development Administration Aquaculture Center
Sea Grant
NOAA Office of Substainable Development and Intergovernmental Affairs

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NMFS Science Center Aquaculture Related Sites




Auke Bay



Little Port Walter


Top of PageOther Aquaculture Sites disclaimer

FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture
Aquaculture On-Line
Aquaculture Information Center
Florida Aquaculture

Top of PageJapan Links disclaimer

Gold Key/Silver Key Programs
U.S. Trade Center Tokyo Online



Aquaculture Technology Expo Aquaculture Expo
Daiichi Suisan Co., Ltd.  Auction house/Consignment contract
Daito Gyorui Auction house/Market prices
Fishery Agency of Japan (FAJ) Fishery statistics/Fishery policies
Japan Int'l Seafood & Technology Expo  Seafood show
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Fishery statistics/Fishery policies
Ministry of Finance Import/export statistics
Ministry of Health and Welfare  Food sanitation
OANDA Exchange rate
Osaka Uoichiba Co., Ltd.  Auction house/Market prices
Prime Minister's Office Statistics Retail price survey
Tokyo Central Wholesale Market  Market prices for selected species

U.S. Trade Center Tokyo Online disclaimer

The U.S. Trade Center, Tokyo - Online is a Japanese-language, Internet-based tool for promoting American exports in the world's second largest economy.  Through industry-specific "online exhibitions," U.S. companies can introduce a new product, refer Japanese inquiries, test the market, search for a representative or distributor, and supplement ongoing marketing efforts in Japan.  Each company receives an attractive, individual webpage that includes a description of its products and services in Japanese, up to five captioned photographs, and a link to its own homepage.  Viewers can send E-mail directly to the U.S. company or its Japanese agent.  For more information please fax 81/3/3987-2447 or send an e-mail to for application materials. 

To view a sample company webpage go to or find more information on the Japanese market from other menus at

Gold Key/Silver Key Programs

Access to the Japanese market means building relationships through proper introductions and careful research.  The Commercial Service Japan's "Gold Key Service"(GKS) and "Silver Key Service" (SKS) programs help savvy U.S. businesses do this effectively through targeted research of potential Japanese partners for new-to-market U.S. companies.  Companies visiting Japan can have appointments arranged through the GKS and SKS Services. Our industry specialists select potential Japanese representatives, distributors, and importers for your product and arrange business appointments for your visit.  GKS and SKS programs include consultation with the industry specialists who will brief you on the market for your product in Japan.  In addition, the specialist will provide you with background information, alert you to developments in your industry sector and accompany you to GKS meetings (SKS does not include a CS escort).  If you require services, such as interpreters for your meetings, these are made available at an additional cost.

For more information on these programs, please contact via:

Fax:  81/3/3589-4235

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