Jim Gleeson

Arrow The Mag Lab attracts researchers from around the world. Physicist Jim Gleeson from Kent State University is studying how liquid crystals behave in high magnetic fields. Learn more.

Tesla Coil

Arrow Watch the science behind tesla coils, maglev trains, eddy currents and other neat tricks. Learn more.

User at work

Arrow For one week this June, school will be in session for graduate students, postdocs and early career investigators who plan to do research at the lab. Read more.

Educational Calendar Double Arrows Left   Play   Double Arrows Right

ArrowRuediger Elementary School (Tallahassee, FL)
WHEN:Thursday, May 7, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Where We're Publishing   —   Who's Visiting   —   What's Happening

Mag Lab Reports

ArrowThe annual Science Highlights edition features the best research reports submitted in 2008.
Read more.

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