Executive Officer (XO)- LT Natasha R. Davis, Hometown: Baltimore, MD

LT Davis graduated from University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) with a B.S. in Geography & Environmental Systems. She recently completed an M.S. in Coastal Zone Management from Nova Southeastern University. Prior to her life with the NOAA Corps, she was a bookseller, plumber's apprentice, bartender, and electrofisher. LT Davis served her first sea tour aboard NOAA Ship Miller Freeman before traveling to Miami to be the Florida Bay Operations Officer, Southeast Fisheries Science Center. She has now returned to NOAA Ship Miller Freeman as Executive Officer (XO).


Third Mate - Kristofer Mackie


Operations Officer- ENS Laura Gallant, Hometown: Bradford, VT

Laura graduated from Cornell University with dual majors in Natural Resources and Ocean Sciences. During her undergrad years, Laura participated Sea Semester sailing aboard the Sailing School Vessel Westward. After graduation, she took an internship with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Laura then got the itch to go back to sea and sailed as a deckhand aboard the Sailing Vessel Denis Sullivan. She then returned to school and received a Master's degree in Biology from Baylor University. Laura loves gardening and tries to keep plants alive in her stateroom at sea. Laura was commissioned into the NOAA Corps in 2006. Her favorite food is ice cream.


Navigation Officer- LTjg Oliver Brown

Lieutenant Junior Grade Brown was born in Klamath Falls, Oregon and grew up in the Puget Sound area. He graduated from Washington State University, Washington, with a Bachelors of Science in Geology with a year of study from Wellington University, New Zealand. He was commission in the Air Force for 5 years, serving at Ellsworth Air Force Base, Diego Garcia Air Base, and Malmstrom Air Force Base. LTJG Brown is an avid rower, coaching junior rowers and participating in open-water regattas when ever possible. He also enjoys exercising his private pilot’s license, hiking, kayaking, diving, sailing, and looks forward to new adventures wherever he finds them. LTJG Brown’s duties on the Miller Freeman include navigation officer, medical officer, small boat officerand movie officer while continuing to stand navigational and operational deck watches.


Safety Officer- ENS Nathan B. Parker

ENS Parker grew up in Topeka, Kansas and attended the nearby University of Kansas where he earned undergraduate degrees in microbiology and cell biology as well as a graduate degree in microbiology. His academic research focused on the developmental biology of salamanders and zebrafish. ENS Parker developed an interest in environmental science and has worked for Austin , Texas ’s Watershed protection department. There he learned about field science and how it interacts with public policy. ENS Parker also enjoys teaching and taught Microbiology to pre-nursing students at Austin Community College. He hopes that his career in the NOAA Corps will inspire his students to work hard for their dream jobs. ENS Parker is enjoys using his science background in the public service.


Junior Officer- ENS Heather Moe, Hometown: Boston, MA

Heather graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a degree in biology. During her time there she did research in several different biological areas before deciding that her passion was in ocean related endeavors. She joined NOAA Corps straight out of college. In Heather’s spare time she likes to play soccer.

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•  Updated: April 13, 2009