
News in 45 Languages
Visiting 7 Man-Made Wonders in the US

03 March 2009


I'm Faith Lapidus.


And I'm Steve Ember with EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English. There are many natural wonders in the United States. Today, we take you to seven man-made wonders in America.  



Against the city's gleaming spires,
Above the ships that ply the stream,
A bridge of haunting beauty stands –
Fulfillment of an artist's dream.

That poem is about our first man-made wonder -- the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City.  It extends more than four hundred eighty meters over the East River to connect the areas of Brooklyn and Manhattan.  A famous bridge builder David B. Steinman wrote the poem.  But he did not build the Brooklyn Bridge.                                                                       

The Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge

It was the dream of another man, John A. Roebling.  He was a member of the design team and became chief engineer of the building project in eighteen sixty-seven.  Sadly, he became sick and died before work even started.  He had an accident when visiting the area where the bridge was to be built. 

Building began in eighteen seventy. It was very dangerous.  Few records were kept on such events.  But, historians say between twenty and thirty men died as a result of the building project.  Some died from falling off the bridge or from being struck by equipment.             

Others died or were injured from working in the structures called caissons.  These lay deep below the surface of the Earth.  The workers would get a pressure sickness called the bends.


John Roebling's son, Washington, was severely disabled by the bends. He had been named chief engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge project soon after his father died. Washington Roebling continued the work from his home after he was disabled.

The Brooklyn Bridge opened on May twenty-fourth, eighteen eighty-three. At the time, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.  It is still a beautiful structure.  The bridge has tens of thousands of suspension wires that spread many meters across and up and down to towers on each side.  From a distance the many wires look like the stringed musical instrument called the harp.  The center of the Brooklyn Bridge rises almost forty meters above the East River.  It is one of the most famous and beloved New York City landmarks.



Another bridge makes our list of the seven man-made wonders.  This one is in northern California.

The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the waterway it crosses.  The Golden Gate Strait lies between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.  The bridge over it links the city of San Francisco with Marin County.

Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge. Building began in nineteen thirty-three.  The bridge opened in nineteen thirty-seven.  It is almost one thousand three hundred meters long.  It was the longest suspension bridge in the world for almost thirty years.  Then, in nineteen sixty-four, the larger Verrazano Narrows bridge opened in New York City.


Joseph Strauss used newly developed protective equipment for the men who worked on the bridge.  These included a special safety net under the bridge. But still, eleven men were killed during construction. 

The color of the bridge, International Orange, is very important.  It was chosen partly because it is easier to see through the heavy fog that often covers San Francisco. Many people consider the Golden Gate Bridge the most beautiful bridge structure in the world.


Joseph Strauss wrote a poem about his bridge when the work was done.  Here is a part of "The Mighty Task is Done":

At last the mighty task is done;
Resplendent in the western sun
The Bridge looms mountain high;
Its titan piers grip ocean floor,
Its great steel arms link shore with shore,
Its towers pierce the sky.



Our next man-made wonder is as famous a landmark in the Midwest United States as the first two are on the East and West Coasts.  The Gateway Arch in Saint Louis, Missouri is the tallest freestanding monument in the nation.   The shiny, steel curve rises to almost two hundred meters.  Below, the arch is exactly as wide as it is tall.

The Gateway Arch
Gateway Arch
The famous Finnish American building designer, Eero Saarinen, designed the Gateway Arch during a national competition in the late nineteen forties.  However, building did not begin until February, nineteen sixty-three. It was completed in October, nineteen sixty-five.  Later a transport system was added to permit people to visit an observation area inside the top of the arch.

The Gateway Arch rises above the Mississippi River.  It was named in honor of Saint Louis, which was historically called "The Gateway to the West."



There is one place in America that almost everyone agrees is a man-made wonder:  South Dakota's Mount Rushmore. 

Giant faces of four great American presidents are cut into the rock near the top of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills. Each face is about eighteen meters high.

Sculptor Gutzon Borglum was chosen to create the Mount Rushmore memorial. It was completed in nineteen forty-one, after fourteen years
Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam

Each president represents important values in America.  George Washington led the cause for independence.  Thomas Jefferson represented the belief in equality.  Abraham Lincoln ended slavery and saved the Union. And Theodore Roosevelt was a conservationist and symbol of the progressive spirit of America.



We go next to one of the largest and most difficult structures ever built in the United States: Hoover Dam.  The dam is in the Black Canyon, near Las Vegas, Nevada.  It controls the water of the Colorado River and produces electric power.

Workers began to build Hoover Dam in nineteen thirty-one.  They finished in just five years.

More than twenty thousand men worked on the project.  It was very dangerous.  Ninety-six workers were killed. Many others were injured.  

The Hoover Dam is two hundred twenty-one meters tall. It weighs more than six and one half million tons.  At the time, it was the largest and tallest dam in the world. And it was one of the largest producers of electric power ever built.

Hoover Dam also created Lake Mead, the largest man-made lake in America. 



Another man-made wonder of the United States was built long before the nation was established.  About nine hundred years ago, the Ancestral Puebloan people built villages high in the walls of canyons in Mesa Verde, Colorado. Six hundred cliff dwellings are now part of the Mesa Verde National Park.      

Visitors can stand at the top of the mesas and look into the dwellings almost hidden in openings of the rock walls.  The Puebloan people cut small steps into the rock.  A series of such steps connected buildings containing hundreds of rooms.

The rock walls have protected the buildings from severe weather in the area.

So they remain mostly unchanged in the hundreds of years since they were built.



Our final man-made wonder is in the northwestern city of Seattle, Washington.  The Space Needle was built as the central structure for the nineteen sixty-two World's Fair.             

Edward Carlson designed the one hundred eighty-four meter tall structure.  The Space Needle has a wide base on the ground. It is narrow in the middle.  On top is a large ring-like structure.

The structure was meant to look like a "flying saucer," a vehicle that was popular in science fiction space travel stories.  The saucer includes an observation area and eating place.  The restaurant slowly turns to provide visitors with a three hundred sixty degree view of Seattle.

The Space Needle was not very costly.  The building project cost about four million five hundred thousand dollars.  It was designed and completed in about a year and opened on the first day of the World's Fair.

Today, the Space Needle is the most popular place for visitors to Seattle. And it remains the internationally known symbol of the city.



This program was written and produced by Caty Weaver.  I'm Faith Lapidus.


And I'm Steve Ember.  You can read and listen to this program on our Web site, voaspecialenglish.com.  Join us again next week for EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English.


1. It´s wonderful

When I hearn this programs I dream with America. It´s a wonderful program where I have learned so much things about our world. Thanks VOA.
Submitted by: Luis Emiro Cabrera Pinto (Colombia)
03-25-2009 - 02:38:06

2. Re:Phuong

I suppose that the Statue of Liberty was French-made which was shipped to the USA for a celebration.
Submitted by: misshuizhilanxin (CN)
03-16-2009 - 01:04:55


But why "The Statue of Liberty" isn't one of seven man made wonders. I think it is also great structure. It is a symbol of America. Anyway, I think America made wonders is beautiful and great. I have ever known Brooklyn bridge, Goden Gate Bridge, four presidents faces. Now I know news wonders as Hoover Dam, Gateway arch, Space Needle. Viet Nam also has got many beautiful sceneries. welcome to my country.
Submitted by: Phuong (Viet Nam)
03-11-2009 - 07:34:40

4. great subject

i am so happy to read this article i got alot of knowledge and i will tell my friend to join this site like me thanks for your effort
Submitted by: mai (egypt)
03-10-2009 - 10:56:54

5. thank you!

I have just heard of this web side and I find it really useful. Thank you so much!
Submitted by: tranthithanhtam (Vietnam)
03-09-2009 - 10:25:30

6. it is great

this is a full worlf for our english practicing - non-speaking people. Do u agree? I suggest that after each artical that we read on VOA news, we write our opinion together about it. From it, we can explore more different emotions from friends on over the world.
Submitted by: Nguyen Vinh Quang (vietnam)
03-08-2009 - 19:11:46

7. great program

I would like to say thanks to VOA English learning program. The information was so great and so useful for my classes.
Submitted by: co7Phong (Republic of South Vietnam)
03-07-2009 - 07:23:36


I want to say how good is to discovery the VOA on the web. Besides I can keep up with the news, I can improve my English learning by listening and reading the issues in a smoothly way. Thank you very much! Edson Rocha
Submitted by: Edson Rocha (Brazil)
03-06-2009 - 19:41:51

9. Wonderful topic

Thanks VOA for such a wonderful topic. Now I know some wonders of the United States, practice English and think of 'Brooklyn', D. Beckham's first son ;).
Submitted by: Nam Chuong (Vietname)
03-06-2009 - 17:23:22

10. wonderful

yes, i feeling happy when i readed this web of VOA of American. it supply full infomation for student to study. i hope in future VOA web will have good infomation any more.
Submitted by: KATY (bangkok)
03-06-2009 - 03:08:27

11. Brooklyn Bridge in US remind me of Can Tho Bridge in Viet Nam

thank for VOA supply us with particularly describing 7 man- made wonder in US. When I read to paragraph "historian say between 20 and 30 men die as a result of abuilding project. Some people died from falling off the bridge or from being struck by equipment" I remind accident happened in Can Tho Bridge, in Vietnam. There were over 40 people died while they were working as worker to make bridge. It was unlucky for the event happended. Are there always sacrifices after a great project ? That make us to appreciate all the thing we have
Submitted by: THANH HUYEN (Vietnam)
03-05-2009 - 22:55:11

12. I like it!

I want to learn English very much, now ,i find you, just like water in the desert! I will work hard! Thanks so much!
Submitted by: Grace (China)
03-05-2009 - 13:57:41

13. Good Learning and Listening Skill

It's great to learn from this web. I think it good for those who studying american english and listening skill. I suggest to add more not only American news but also international news.
Submitted by: Seila (Cambodia)
03-05-2009 - 09:54:15

14. wonderful!

I always enjoy reading the VOA Special English subjects in all its diversity. Thanks VOA you help me a lot in improving the language and certainly the pronunciation which is rather difficult to a foreigner. Each day I try to listen to one of the subjects you bring! Also thanks for the nice music intervals. I love it! Have a nice day!
Submitted by: Rita (Belgium)
03-05-2009 - 08:07:43

15. good to study listinning

I would to thank to voaspecialenglish has many topices for me to study specialy it is about beauty spot in American that i have never come.if it has video clip with topic to made everybodies satisfied. thank you.
Submitted by: le minh quoc (vietnam)
03-05-2009 - 04:16:53


i'm from indonesia and it's very interisting to listen VOA, actualy i am trying to learn english and VOA news quite help how to learn english by listening, reading etc. i hope it can help me to improve my english, thank u VOA
Submitted by: John (indonesia)
03-05-2009 - 03:15:48

17. Hi!

I'd like to khnow more strange wonders about Universities in US, thank you.
Submitted by: Canh (Vietnam)
03-05-2009 - 01:27:20

18. a great site to learn

this is a special site to learn about history of the us , people and news all over the world. go on broadcasting these stories very interesting for us who are learning this language
Submitted by: alvaro vergara (panama)
03-05-2009 - 00:47:15

19. Visiting 7 Man-Made Wonders in the US

it's very interesting place in the USA, i like that report about place in Brazil with Rio de Janeiro, for example. Thanks.
Submitted by: helton (brazil)
03-05-2009 - 00:45:57

20. a great site to learn

this is a special site to learn about history of the us , people and news all over the world. go on forecasting these stories
Submitted by: alvaro vergara (panama)
03-05-2009 - 00:32:51

21. Thank you

It is the first time that I browse in your web page. I have enjoyed this article.
Submitted by: Renzo Chirinos (Peru)
03-04-2009 - 17:24:56

22. great man-made wonders

I like these wonders mentioned ,it's seems very great and exciting place,I wanna visit these place one day in future.thanks for voa provide us these interesting place.
Submitted by: zhuyinjia (china)
03-04-2009 - 14:48:19


I would like to know more about narural wonders in the US in special English. Thank you.
Submitted by: woai (CN)
03-04-2009 - 13:38:50

24. good to learn about America

Please include stories of enterainment places such as Six flax and disney land
Submitted by: Udom Tipparach (Thailand)
03-04-2009 - 11:28:38

25. good to learn about America

This is the great topic to learn all about America:history, geography, people and engineering projects. Thanks so much, VOA
Submitted by: Udom Tipparach (Thailand)
03-04-2009 - 11:25:48


I'm learning American English and i've found this web site very helpful and i would thanks Faith & steve and all the workers in this amazing site.
Submitted by: Hadjer (Algeria)
03-04-2009 - 10:23:11


I'm learning American English and i've found this web site very helpful and i would thanks Faith & steve and all the workers in this amazing site.
Submitted by: Hadjer (Algeria)
03-04-2009 - 10:19:24

28. The Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge reminded me of a lovely movie: Kate & Leopold. In that movie you can see the 19th century New York and the 21st century, too. You can see the 19th century Brooklyn Bridge and the 21st century, too. The film has some mistakes, for example: In April 1876, at the beginning of the film, Leopold is listening to a speech by, supposedly, Roebling. But in reality, Roebling died in 1869. Even if this was meant to be his son, Washington A. Roebling, chief engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge, he too never visited the site after 1872, owing to his struggle with caisson disease.
Submitted by: Szövetség Vácért (Hungary)
03-04-2009 - 09:26:49

29. Good source of news and information to learn and practice English

I visit VOA news and VOAspecialenglish every day for news and information have happened, are happening and will happen around the world. That is a very good, clear and objective supply of information. I do not read and listen to the news for seeing and understanding things happening worldwide but I also learn and practice my English. I really like listening and reading the Exploration because it helps me to understand the world that I have not discovered yet. Thanks VOA for your delicatessen.
Submitted by: Hoang Nam (vietnam)
03-04-2009 - 08:43:07

30. Make easy

Some of words that you use in your writings are are likely difficult to understand easly while reading.Please open other learning stile that could easly enable to know the English language.Thank you
Submitted by: Habtamu Asfaw Alula (Ethiopia)
03-04-2009 - 07:41:22

31. hi

i want to learn english language please send me news with listening record thank you.
Submitted by: nezam (afghanistan)
03-04-2009 - 07:34:45

32. hi

i want to send me many thing that wonderfull in u.s.a many place many subject.that wonderfull.thank u.
Submitted by: awin (iraq)
03-04-2009 - 07:15:55

33. zowie

I was born in St Louis Hospital on Sathorn Road in Bkk. A French medical doctor happened to visit the hospital. I guess he was French. So he delivered me. He was my first doctor at my birth. My mother told me all the nurses were wearing a crucifix each. I saw the movie It Happened At The World's Fair. Elvis Presley sang I'm Falling In Love Tonight to a nurse in the restaurant. I'm falling in love tonight somehow I know the beautiful world tonight is sharing its glow when love let me down before I said I was through but I'm falling in love tonight with you till you walked by I laughed and played the game one kiss then goodbye and out went the flame but somehow you changed me dear this time it's true I'm falling in love tonight with you Then an applause came from the people dining around.
Submitted by: kurt willie (TH)
03-04-2009 - 07:00:41


It's good to find out this article. I made it for my knowledge and shared to my students and also for my family, especially my son. I discussed with my students in the class not just from the language point of view but also discussing the other sides of the article. I am always online iwth voa since it has useful resources for improving my english which in turn I share with my students. Thanks
03-04-2009 - 04:23:37

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