Shipboard Recreation

Movies and Books

Movie Lounge

Videotapes are available for showing throughout the day on the ship's TV system while away from home port. Television is prohibited in the Crew's Lounge during meals hours.


A variety of books and magazines are available in the library. In the library there are also two computer work stations available to all crew.

Exercise Room

Exercise Room

Miller Freeman's exercise room is equipped with a universal gym, rowing machine, treadmill, cycling exerciser, exercise pads, and weights which can be used at any time. Clanging weights, loud music, or other loud noises should be avoided between 2200 and 0700.

Recreational Fishing


Policy: In accordance with NOAA Administrative Order No. 202-735B (eff. 01/09/89), all shellfish and fish taken in the course of fisheries research (by trawl, longline, gillnet, purse seine or pot) are the property of the U.S. Government.

Consumption of Fish: Fish taken during the course of fisheries research, not required for scientific samples, that will not survive being returned to the water, may be retained for consumption aboard the ship. No fish taken during the course of fisheries research shall be used for "home packs".

Donation to Charity: Fish in excess of the needs of the crew for consumption aboard the vessel may be donated to an appropriate charity. A request from the charitable organization for donations of fish must be sent to the Commanding Officer on the organization's letterhead stationary. A name, address and phone number for a point of contact must be included along with a description of the organization. Also include a statement that the organization will accept fish which has not been cleaned or handled using Federal standards.

The Commanding Officer must receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the fish by the organization.

Sport Fishing: Personnel wishing to sport fish from this ship or its launches must show a current state fishing license and provide a copy of the current state fishing regulations to the Executive Officer. At that time the person will be placed on a ship's authorized fishing list for that state. When possible the CO will acquire fishing licenses that can be sold while underway. This is generally true in the State of Alaska during the field season.

Retention: All catch taken by sport fishing methods may be retained providing that it was caught in conformance with local regulations, including those for season, number, size limitations and possession limits. The catch may be taken ashore provided that it is in conformance with local laws of that port.

The catch may be stored in the specimen freezer IAW policy dated 5/17/99 (Section 11). Please contact the Chief Survey Technician or XO for any questions on storage.

Preparation: All shellfish and fish retained aboard the ship must be cleaned and prepared for eating or frozen within 4 hours (within 6 hours if the air temperature is below 40 degrees F). If frozen, fish should be stored in sealed plastic bags in the after specimen freezer with the owner's name attached.

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•  Updated: April 13, 2009