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29 April 2009 

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Studying in the US: Writing College Papers

29 April 2009

This is the VOA Special English Education Report.  

Today in our Foreign Student Series we discuss writing college papers. Writing a term paper, research paper or essay for a college class is a kind of academic writing. Academic writing among professionals is a way to create new knowledge.

A professor assigns students to write a paper. The students examine an issue, review what is already known, think about what they have learned and come to some conclusion.

A student-writer must present information and also take a position
A student-writer must present information and also take a position
This means that each student-writer must present information and also take a position. The student might support an idea, question it or even disprove it. Or the writer could show how the subject may be understood better or in a different way than it has been. And the student must support the position with evidence.

Cultural differences may interfere when international students try to write this way. Writing teachers say students in many countries have learned to write beautiful descriptions about something without ever stating the main idea. American college students are expected to state their main idea at the beginning of the paper.

In other cultures, paragraphs may be organized to build toward the main idea, which is revealed at the end. But in the United States, the main idea of each paragraph should be in the first sentence.  Another difference is about writing style. Other cultures may use lots of descriptive words. But American English values short, strong sentences.

Teachers at the writing center at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana work with students to improve their writing. Graduate tutor Lars Soderlund says non-native English speakers generally have some trouble with English grammar.

He says their sentences may be too long. Or they incorrectly use articles such as "a", "an" and "the." He also says non-native speakers generally use too much emotional language and give too many details before getting to the main idea.

The associate director of the writing center, Tammi Conard-Salvo, says international students should look online for materials that explain the kind of writing they will be required to do. They should ask their professors for help. Most colleges have a writing center where they can get free individual help with their work.

Links to writing center materials can be found on our Web site, voaspecialenglish.com. And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. I'm Jim Tedder.


1. Writing skills

This article is really useful for foreign students who have to learn English as a second language. It is said that writing skill is the most difficult one of four basic skills because a good writing requires not only good ability of using correct word and grammar but also coherent and relevant ideas. The more you read, the more ideas you have.
Submitted by: Daisy Le (Batangas, Philippines)
05-02-2009 - 17:23:48

2. Thanks

This is the best site to study english.Thanks so much!
Submitted by: Douglas carvalho (Brazil)
05-02-2009 - 17:10:13


I am studying an academic writing course. Reading this article, I found out that it is necessary! Thanks for all!
Submitted by: Dung (Vietnam)
05-02-2009 - 05:37:07


this article is simple and nice for the international students who want to learn English.
Submitted by: myo (Myanmar)
05-01-2009 - 07:22:07

5. Teacher

it will be better if VOA also provide English learning materials for beginners (primary and secondary students). However we really appreciate for the existed materials. T hey will become valuable materials for my teaching. Thanks for all VOA.
Submitted by: mahfud efendi (Indonesia)
05-01-2009 - 03:44:39

6. Improtance of writing

In the present, our society requires us to be equipped with many ability relevant to English. Especially, writhing as well as speaking becomes a main part of English learning. However, we don't have a special education course to teach effective writing for every students. I hope writing classes will be set up every school and university as soon as possible.
Submitted by: Jenny (South Korea)
05-01-2009 - 03:20:52

7. Interesting!!

I am studying english. This article is very good for me. The grammar is very important for all language.
Submitted by: Paula (Colombia)
04-30-2009 - 22:53:59

8. Sharing

Being a teacher of English to non-English speakers here in Vietnam, I have also studied the differences between the writing style in American colleges and that in Australian and British universities. Those who are pursuing IELTS courses are surpried by the very straightforward way of essay writing taught by American professors. In IELTS tests, complex sentences are encouraged while they are considered to be too long by American graders. I am wondering if IELTS-style candidates will find it easy to go to American colleges :-)
Submitted by: Hoa That Ton (Vietnam)
04-30-2009 - 17:57:47

9. need some materials

first of all helo i realy apperiate your program
Submitted by: ayub (afghanistan)
04-30-2009 - 12:59:40


this is a intersting program, useful for me so much
Submitted by: huynguyenquanghuy (vietnam)
04-30-2009 - 12:31:01

11. Studying in the US: Writing College Papers

Thank you very much for this article. It is really informative and helpful.
Submitted by: Yukie Suzuki (Japan)
04-30-2009 - 09:34:46

12. important

After listen to the article.I think the two things are very important.At first main idea must be revealed at the begin of the paragraphs. At secend sentences must be short, strong.
Submitted by: Edward zhang (china)
04-30-2009 - 03:19:32


To a non-native English speaker, writing is a difficult thing. I often make mistakes, and most occassions are the wrong usages of english grammer.
Submitted by: chern YC (China)
04-30-2009 - 03:05:28

14. give a chance

today i have some issue , all the student maby have support an idea in my country that all the student under graduate may have alot of chance to study abrode? thought they try to try to do the exam to past the one or six in seven thantread so may be the american can open the scholaship in cambodia too much more and not too difficuft to try is't like that the student may don not have their own hope to study abrode . and that my idear thank for today me kaosokmao
Submitted by: kao sok mao (cambodia)
04-30-2009 - 02:49:25

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