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23 April 2009 

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Studying in the US: Beware of Essay Mills

22 April 2009

This is the VOA Special English Education Report.  

We continue our discussion of plagiarism. Last week, we said colleges and universities in the United States define plagiarism as representing another person's work as your own. It is considered a kind of cheating.

Professors at American colleges have tried many ways to stop student plagiarism.

Plagiarism can take many formsSome use online detection services. They also may discuss plagiarism with their students at the start of every term.  Some require their students to turn in early versions of term papers, research papers and essays they are writing. This makes it more difficult for students to buy papers from companies that some call "plagiarism mills" or "essay mills."

A recent report in The Chronicle of Higher Education described such businesses. Many can be found on the Internet. They sell newly written papers on many subjects. The cost depends on the difficulty of the subject and how soon the paper is needed.  The cost could be from twenty to forty dollars a page.

Such companies say their writers have advanced degrees, and will target the papers to any educational level. Investigators say the writers may be working in countries like India, Nigeria or Indonesia and are poorly paid. Most of these companies say their work should only be used as models and should not be turned in as a finished work. But students do it anyway.

“My Word! Plagiarism and College Culture”  Some students claim that they order such papers as a way to organize their research. But many also say they do not have enough time to do the work themselves and are under great pressure to do well in school.

University of Notre Dame anthropology professor Susan Blum wrote about this in a new book, "My Word! Plagiarism and College Culture."  She writes that academic cheating is a result of communication failure between students and professors. And she says international students must be sure they know the rules of the college they are attending.

Plagiarism may also be a problem in other countries. A recent e-mail to us from Iran described an incident in an English class. Students were supposed to research tourist places in Iran. But one student copied information from a book.  The student changed "China" to "Iran" but forgot to change the names of the places. When the teacher asked about his research, he said: "One of the most beautiful tourist places in Iran is Shanghai." 

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. I'm Barbara Klein.


1. that's interesting

In korea also there are many social problems about plagiarism.. even some students try to cheat when they take a public examination... not only korea, but also many countries suffer from this problem.....we need more heavy penalty.....
Submitted by: Cleave (South Korea)
05-04-2009 - 16:21:51

2. cheating

plagiarism is a problem in my country. Students is cheating in many ways.
Submitted by: kimchi (vietnam)
05-04-2009 - 04:51:41

3. Plagiarism is hard to eliminate

Thanks for this interesting article, and I applaud those teachers mentioned in this article who actually take an effort to educate their students about plagiarism. While plagiarism is hard to combat (which I know for a fact because students in my home country do it, and now that I am abroad, I see students from other countries do it), many places accept it as matter of fact, encourage it even, leading to alarming results. The most notable incident that comes to mind is a Chinese-Swedish woman named Weiwei Zhang (vivibear) who published 9 young adult romance books in China, but every single one of them has been exposed for extensive plagiarism. It was in all major Chinese news sources and even Swedish media reported it. I believe she has copied more than 250 novels/articles by over 200 writers. Yet, publishers trample over one another trying to get her latest scripts. You know copying has become a serious problem when the plagiarist still has a respectable market after s
Submitted by: Lin (Taiwan)
05-01-2009 - 16:42:30

4. so is it in china

so is it in china!!!
Submitted by: Mike Bai (China)
04-29-2009 - 15:43:00


very interesting incident about Iran. How blind students get in plagiarism.
Submitted by: Saurav Dahal (Nepal)
04-29-2009 - 11:18:47

6. hi

I heard before. I agree the issue. Of course, plagiarism is not necessary to student and person who have a study aspiration.
Submitted by: zaya (Mongolia)
04-29-2009 - 06:44:06

7. Plagiarism

Plagiaris is not only a cheating in education in all the world but in my country. Sometime I wonder what will happen in future if we can't stop it.
Submitted by: Le Pham (Việt Nam)
04-29-2009 - 02:46:30


Funny the bottom line of the article. "One of the most beautiful tourist places in Iran is Shanghai." It sums up the meaning of all.
Submitted by: DAVIDE (ITALY)
04-28-2009 - 21:22:38


Do anybody know what the "plagiarism mill" or "essay mill" is? Tell me ,please.
Submitted by: Johnson (Taipei)
04-27-2009 - 15:12:31

10. plagiarism in US!!!!!!!

really wen i was heard plagiarism in my country i didnot feel any surprise bcos iraq is a developing country but in a v advanced country like US actually it is apoint for several question bcos how a education progrmam cannot over come and solve this problem!!!!!!!
Submitted by: dr.jalil (iraq/sul/sabunkaran)
04-26-2009 - 20:46:27


Its very good
Submitted by: M_Mustafo (Uzbekistan)
04-26-2009 - 07:12:32

12. the sad fact

this phenominent is so common.it exists not only in one country.the fact is that many countries, many education systems accept it without having the strong enough punishment.some reasons students may give to support this act: no time enough, no guidance from the professor.but the main reason is that they're so lazy and the essays on many subjects are so available with cheep cost
Submitted by: Kim Dung Nguyen (Viet Nam)
04-26-2009 - 06:45:59


Plagiarism is a severe problem in Hong Kong as well. Some university students only not copy information from internet directly, but copy their colleges' work too. but its quite interesting that no professors had found these kind of cheating.
Submitted by: Will C. ()
04-25-2009 - 16:48:50

14. It Should be Controlled

It is very important that we should know that it is in most of learners' nature to cheat. Plagriasm equals courruption and bribery. If they are controlled and the doers are punished, chances are a lot to succeed. Likewise if we controll the students and inform them about the results of the plagiarism, this problem will not exist too long. Since the students are not controlled and have not been told about the consequences It is no wonder that they plagiarise.
Submitted by: Mohammad Saleem (Afghanistan)
04-25-2009 - 11:16:41


in facts plagiarism not only happen in my country, but also widespread throughout country in the world,,,, in my university any law / role about plagiarism and with appropriated punishment .....
Submitted by: kezia dian elita (indonesia)
04-24-2009 - 16:59:41

16. You are telling me

Especially, many Korean students do a kind of cheating called plagiarism. Also, they are even fored to memorize some passage or essay from a teacher. So, many of them think it's not serious problem in the univ. I think the goverment should enact special law related to plagiarism .
Submitted by: Raina (South Korea)
04-24-2009 - 04:35:12

17. It is very popular

In all of countries, plagiarism is the issue that has no answer. Because, you can request or buy anything (almost) that you want. You can copy of Ph.D thesis to your thesis as some one has done before. It is not "hard to believe" as some one said.
Submitted by: Truong Nguyen (Viet Nam)
04-24-2009 - 01:57:00

18. Hard to believe

Dear VOA, It's really hard to believe that the plagiarism in USA is much popular than i thought. In a country, home of such many famous universities as Harvard, Newyork, Washington... the plagiarism's becoming more serious. so, how and when it will be stopped? I'm looking foward solution from us government!
Submitted by: Son Nguyen Van (Vietnam)
04-23-2009 - 15:23:25


very interesting. how well known our China is by every parts of the world.
Submitted by: fOx (China)
04-23-2009 - 13:53:27


I admit the incident in that English class is the best humor of the year 2009.
Submitted by: kurt ()
04-23-2009 - 05:58:30

21. Plagiarism is a crime and must be treated like a crime

The plagiarism is a real problem. In Brazil, mainly in universities, the plagiarism is a genuine problem (there is an "industry" of selling academic works). The solution of this problem must be obtained by establishing heavy punishments to plagiarist and also inserting Ethic as a discipline to be taught.
Submitted by: Alfredo B. Furtado (Brazil)
04-23-2009 - 01:32:33

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