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16 April 2009 

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Studying in the US: How to Avoid Being Accused of Plagiarism

15 April 2009

This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

Plagiarism is the act of representing another person's words or ideas as your own. The offense may be as small as a sentence copied from a book. Or it may be as extensive as a whole paper copied -- or bought -- from somebody else.

Journalism students at the University of Maryland discuss ethics and plagiarism in a class in October 2003
Journalism students at the University of Maryland discuss ethics and plagiarism in a class in October 2003
Intellectual dishonesty is nothing new. The only difference now is that the Internet has made it much simpler to steal other people's work. Yet the same technology that makes it easy to find information to copy also makes it easier to identify plagiarism.

Teachers can use online services that compare papers to thousands of others to search for copied work. The teacher gets a report on any passages that are similar enough to suspect plagiarism. These services are widely used. Turnitin.com, for example, says it is used in more than one hundred countries and examines more than one hundred thirty thousand papers a day.

Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages. In schools, the punishment for cheating could be a failing grade on the paper or in the course. Some schools expel plagiarists for a term; others, for a full academic year. Some degrees have even been withdrawn after a school later found that a student had plagiarized.

Accidental plagiarism can sometimes result from cultural differences.

At Indiana University in Bloomington, sixty percent of students who use the Office of Writing Tutorial Services are non-native English speakers. The director, Joanne Vogt, says some have no idea that copying from published works is considered wrong. She says students from China, for example, may think they are insulting readers if they credit other sources. They believe that educated readers should already know where the information came from.

The more you give credit, the less you risk accusations of plagiarism. Any sentences taken directly from a source should appear inside quotation marks. And even if you put those sentences into your own words, you should still give credit to where you got the information.

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. More about plagiarism next week. We will also discuss other rules for academic writing in the United States. Earlier reports in our Foreign Student Series are at voaspecialenglish.com -- along with links to some writing resources at American universities. I'm Steve Ember.


1. Plagiarism

I think there are many people who do not know that plagiarism is a bad behavior , and so they don't give it any serious attention to stop doing that .And I believe it needs more advertisements to people to learn them more about it and let them to understand why its a bad way to steal others work with out any difficulties .
Submitted by: alqobi houssein (Yemen)
04-27-2009 - 16:37:05

2. Avoiding plagiarism

I have been part of this act. I was not aware that anyone would discover that i copied one's words and automatically made them mine. Glad i was discovered and then i am now avoiding by not being in such an act again and letting everyone know about Plagiarism because many people don't consider this as a serious dishonesty and disrespect action.
Submitted by: Deo Gakuba (RWANDA)
04-23-2009 - 18:26:26

3. plagiarism

I have come to know that plagiarism is a big mistake. not only in schools but in normal life. if it can be considered as steeling, then it is so serious. i myself tried to plagiarize but i was not aware. once i knew that it is illegal i promise not to do it again, and will never because i feel guilty. sorry.
Submitted by: console (Rwanda)
04-21-2009 - 12:25:37

4. The attention on Plagiarism

well, being a student need to do the most research in order to do well in our studies. getting resources from anywhere, from someone to get more comprehensive knowledge for developing our education are advantages, but if we followed them all without any developed idea from our own, that would be disadvantage.
Submitted by: An Pasty (Cambodia)
04-18-2009 - 10:50:32

5. suggestion

hello, and thank you for your programes. but as I noticed each week there are lots of articles about different subjects in your web site. but all of your readers read those articles in same speed. I think it will be better to have different speed (I mean how fast the article is read) each week as well. thank you again. farhad
Submitted by: farhad (Iran)
04-18-2009 - 06:41:08

6. Plagiarism is a shameful behaviour.

There are no significant difference between plagiarism and stealing other people's money or something else. Plagiarism is nothing but a shameful behaviour. We can quote other people's sentences, but we should credict the sources.That's a performance we respect their achievement. It's better that we bring up our own creative ideas as many as possible in our words.
Submitted by: Feixiang (China)
04-18-2009 - 03:08:33

7. thanks

all articles from VOAS is very imformative . They do help me a lot improving my listening skill
Submitted by: camkhong (Vietnam)
04-17-2009 - 09:28:12


Now the subject of this program, Plagiarism, reminds me an event. One day in our English class our teacher told us to research about tourist attraction places in Iran as our subject for discussion. One of the students copied exactly a paper from a book. The book was about tourist places in China. He just changed the name of China to Iran. But he forgot to change the name of places. When our teacher asked him about his research, he said :(( one of the most beautiful tourist places in Iran is Shanghai....)). Suddenly class burst out laughing. He was so embarrassed about what he had done.
Submitted by: Mohammad (Iran)
04-16-2009 - 21:31:17


It is a shame to admit that our chinese students are very likely being used to plagiarism, most of the students do not think such act will damage others' credits especially the materials can be found on the Internet. however, if a person is addicted copying non-original articles even without thinking. soon after that, the person could not think of any thing that is creative. That is why it is extremely difficult to see something be first innovated in China.
Submitted by: fOx (China)
04-16-2009 - 18:09:52

10. Plagiarism!

When I did a graduation paper to graduate, I had to read many books and many other graduation papers. My purposes were to know much more.So when I wrote my graduation paper, I took other people's ideal. But it was fist part, sure I had my examine results.When use them, Any sentences taken directly from a source I often put inside quotation marks. My country allow it. It is not Plagiarism. Sure, I really hate plagiarism. But in fact, plagiarism is difficult to control.
Submitted by: Phuong (Vietnam)
04-16-2009 - 03:08:11

11. Plagiarism is bad!!

Plagiarism nowadays happens in many fields like studying, literary, newspaper and even music. Students often plagiarize in tests or exams. It is very good when teachers and boards of school managing have strict rules and severe punishments for students who violate plagiarism. It will help students have awareness that plagiarism is stealing something from other people although it is just an idea or opinion. The accusations at schools will teach them to become good adults and never offend in real life.
Submitted by: autumn leaf (Viet Nam)
04-16-2009 - 03:01:02

12. The importance of recognizing the plagiarism

I thinks some class in which teachers and students can discuss about plagiarsim as well as how to avoid plagiarism is very important. In Vietnam, plagiarism is not much concerned and I hope the neccessarity of avoiding plagiarism should be increasingly heightened in Vietnam.
Submitted by: Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc (Vietnam)
04-16-2009 - 01:31:30

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