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09 April 2009 

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Studying in the US: Coming to Terms With Academic Titles

08 April 2009
This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

Not all college teachers are full professors. Many are assistant or adjunct professors. This week in our Foreign Student Series, we discuss academic titles in American higher education.

Adjunct professor Charles Varani teaching at Western Oregon University in Monmouth in 2005
Adjunct professor Charles Varani at Western Oregon University in Monmouth in 2005
Professors usually have doctorate degrees. But college students may be taught by instructors who have not completed their doctorate degrees. After that, the instructor could become an assistant professor. Assistant professors do not have tenure.

A professor with tenure cannot be easily dismissed. Such appointments are permanent.  Those hired with the understanding they will seek tenure are said to be "on the tenure track." Assistant professor is the first job on this path.

Assistant professors have five to seven years to get tenure. They must teach, carry out research and publish their findings.  Other professors then study the work. If tenure is denied, the person usually has a year to find another job. An assistant professor who receives tenure becomes an associate professor and may later be appointed a full professor.

Professors on the tenure track teach classes, advise students and carry out research. They also serve on committees and take part in community activities.

Other teachers are not expected to do all this. They are not on a tenure track. They are called adjuncts.

An adjunct professor is hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester. Adjunct professors may have a doctorate. But they receive lower pay than those on the tenure track and have no job security.

The American Association of University Professors says sixty-eight percent of all teacher appointments at American colleges today are adjuncts. College officials say one reason is low budgets. Another is having the freedom to change teachers as courses become more or less popular. They also say part-time adjuncts can provide real world experience for their students.

But the AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality. They say adjuncts do not have the time or support to help students outside class. And they say fewer tenure track positions mean fewer people to work with students, create new courses and serve on committees.

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. Transcripts, MP3s and podcasts of our programs are at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Shirley Griffith.                                                                    


1. VOA special english

Easy to listening and understanding
Submitted by: Sophy nong (Cambodia)
04-21-2009 - 03:43:45

2. I think...

A teacher's quality has a great effect on students. Including the educational qualification, his/her attitude, behavior and even the way they wear can affect students in many different ways. For the reason, we cannot choose teachers just by considering school's convenience. In this point, the first thing we have to do is looking for great teachers who really contribute to teahing and know how to lead students for effective learning and successful education.
Submitted by: Jenny (South Korea)
04-17-2009 - 12:29:14

3. academic titles!

It is a helpful information. academic titles in american collegges are difficult and strict. I want to know the process of accepting the titles instructors, adjunct, tenure pro, doctorate. I want to ask if there a mistake by buying these titles in this process. I mean that a truelly quality man will have a easy condition to gain these titles or very difficult condition because of their colleagues.
Submitted by: xuan (vietnam)
04-16-2009 - 07:59:37

4. benefit subject

thanks for this interesting ,and beneficial topic . Tt is realy handy to get the diference betwen the titles of college's instractors
Submitted by: lolo (saudi Arabia)
04-14-2009 - 19:40:32


I'd like to study english. l can't speak english well.
Submitted by: sunsook jung (korea)
04-14-2009 - 18:33:06

6. Excellent Subject

I have no comments except to appreciate all the workeres who devleoped this site........This is the best web site i've ever seen...Thanks again
Submitted by: Shammari (Saudi Arabia)
04-13-2009 - 18:24:32

7. studying in us

the series of studying in us is very useful and interesting. it help me know more about american education system. it's very significant with the student who intend to chose usa is the best education invironment
Submitted by: Kim Dung Nguyen (vietnam)
04-10-2009 - 16:35:36

8. student

Hello!i want to you give some questions about every listening.Because it help every learning english members to grow their listening degree.i think. thank you!
Submitted by: mayser (china)
04-10-2009 - 07:32:11

9. I also agree

My wife is also adjunct professor in major of oriental art. korea. she get much lower pay than full professor. she should do full time work not only in class but also outside class. she is very busy so I can't remember when we saw face to face at table.
Submitted by: taegon (Korea)
04-10-2009 - 04:39:55

10. It is right (AAUP)

I agree with AAUP. In my country all of the instructors in big and important universes have a permanent job, but in small universes most of the instructors have part time job. Nowadays obtain a permanent job in university be became very difficult even if you have a doctorate degree.
Submitted by: Ehsan (Iran)
04-09-2009 - 19:35:48

11. Academic Titles

Good article, I've been waiting for that since long time, well done just keep going.
Submitted by: Zanco (Iraq)
04-09-2009 - 17:46:22

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