U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Energy Savers

Thermographic Inspections Reading List

Some of the following documents may be available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.

  • Snell, J. (January 2002). "Is There a New IR Camera in Your Future?" Energy Design Update (22:1); pp. 7-9.

  • Snell, J. (March/April 2002). "The Latest in Hot Shots." Home Energy (19:2); pp. 14-17.

  • Eads, L. et al. (March 2000). "Practical Guide to Thermography." ASHRAE Journal (42:3); pp. 51-55.

  • Infrared Thermography Fact Sheet (PDF 1.1 MB). (September 2005). Washington State University Energy Program and Western Area Power Administration.