National Indicators > Health Insurance Coverage

Program Participation

In addition to health insurance, a number of public programs are available to provide essential services and supports to eligible CSHCN. One program, the Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Program funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), commonly known as Early Intervention Services, provides specialized therapies to children under age 3 with developmental delays. These services include counseling, nutrition, occupational and physical therapy, service coordination, speech-language therapy, and transportation, among others. Overall, 23 percent of CSHCN under age 3 received these types of services.

Special education programs provide educational and education-related health care services to children aged 3 years and older. Of CSHCN in this age group, 29 percent received these services. This proportion varies greatly by family income; nearly 37 percent of CSHCN in poverty receive services compared to 22 percent of children with family incomes of 400 percent of poverty or more.

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