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Pharmacy Affairs & 340B Drug Pricing Program


Definition of a Patient

The Office of Pharmacy Affairs  has published final notice of guidelines on definition of a patient to allow a clearer understanding of which individuals may receive prescribed medications purchased at the legislatively mandated discount of Section 602 of the Veterans Healthcare Act of 1992.

In summary, an individual is a "patient" of a covered entity (with the exception of State-operated or funded AIDS drug purchasing assistance programs) only if: 

  • the covered entity has established a relationship with the individual, such that the covered entity maintains records of the individual's health care; and 
  • the individual receives health care services from a health care professional who is either employed by the covered entity or provides health care under contractual or other arrangements (e.g. referral for consultation) such that responsibility for the care provided remains with the covered entity; and
  • the individual receives a health care service or range of services from the covered entity which is consistent with the service or range of services for which grant funding or Federally-qualified health center look-alike status has been provided to the entity. Disproportionate share hospitals are exempt from this requirement.
An individual will not be considered a "patient" of the entity for purposes of 340B if the only health care service received by the individual from the covered entity is the dispensing of a drug or drugs for subsequent self- administration or administration in the home setting.

An individual registered in a State operated AIDS drug purchasing assistance program receiving financial assistance under title XXVI of the PHS Act will be considered a "patient" of the covered entity for purposes of this definition if so registered as eligible by the State program. 

For more information, please refer to the October 1996 Final Notice Regarding Section 602 of the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 Patient and Entity Eligibility.