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Nursing Scholarship Program

Applicant Information Bulletin: School Year 2009-2010
Waiver, Suspension or Cancellation of the Service Obligation

Scholarship recipients seeking a waiver (for a permanent situation) or suspension (for a temporary situation) of the service obligation must submit a written request to the Scholar Support Branch of the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support (DSCS) at 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 8A-15, Rockville, Maryland 20857. The request must state the underlying circumstances and be supported by documentation. 

Requests for waivers and suspensions are processed and reviewed by the Legal and Compliance Office (LCO). Waivers (or suspensions) of the service obligation may be granted by the LCO, whenever compliance by the individual would be impossible(or temporarily impossible), or would involve extreme hardship (or temporary extreme hardship) to the individual and would be against equity and good conscience to enforce.

Compliance would be considered impossible if the LCO, determines that the participant suffers from a physical or mental disability resulting in his/her inability to perform the commitment incurred.

To determine whether performance of the obligation would impose an extreme hardship and be against equity and good conscience, the LCO, will consider: (1) the recipient's present financial resources and obligations; (2) the recipient's estimated future financial resources and obligations; and (3) the extent to which the recipient has problems of a personal nature, such as physical or mental disability, or terminal illness in the immediate family, which so intrude on the recipient's present and future ability to perform as to raise a presumption that the individual would be unable to perform the obligation incurred.

In the unfortunate event of a scholarship recipient's death, any commitment to the NSP is canceled upon submission of documentation to the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support.

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To Apply

On-Line Application: Complete and submit by 5 pm ET May 14

BCRSIS Online Banking Form: Complete and submit by 5 pm ET May 14 if you meet the first funding preference

Supplemental Forms (PDF - 382 KB): Complete, print, sign and mail. Must be received or postmarked by May 14

Documentation: Compile and mail. Received or postmarked by May 14

Mail to:

Nursing Scholarship Program
c/o HRSA Call Center
12530 Parklawn Drive, Suite 350
Rockville, MD 20852