Adults Aged 45 and Older with Undiagnosed Hypertension,* by Age and Sex, 2005-2006

Discharges Due to Heart Disease* from Non-Federal, Short-Stay Hospitals, by Age and Sex, 2005
Age Group Rate per 10,000 Adults
Female Male
Total 16.3% 15.2%
45-54 Years 10.2% 13.2%
65-74 Years 23.8% 19.2%
75 Years and Older 42.6% 25.4%

*At the time of examination had a systolic pressure (during heartbeats) of 140 or higher, and/or a diastolic pressure (between heartbeats) of 90 or higher AND had never been told by a health professional that they had hypertension.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2006. Analysis conducted by the Maternal and Child Health Information Resource Center.

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