Infants* Who Are Breastfed, by Maternal Education and Duration, 2004-2006

Infants Who Are Breastfed, by Race/Ethnicity and Duration, 2004-2006
Education Percent of Infants
Ever Breastfed Any at 6 Months At 12 Months
Less than High School 67.7% 34.9% 18.5%
High School 65.7% 32.2% 16.8%
Some College 75.2% 40.9% 18.5%
College Graduate 85.3% 55.8% 28.2%

*Includes only infants born in 2004.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Breastfeeding practices—results from the National Immunization Survey. 2006., accessed 12/11/07.

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