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Explanation of Index Components

Rationale. Each item in the SON Index has a clear reason for being there. Below is an explanation of the rationale for each component.

Component Rationale
Cases Need is direct function of the number of people who require care
Federal Insurance Reduction Federal government already pays a portion of HIV/AIDS costs through Medicare and Medicaid
Regional Costs The cost of medical services varies across jurisdictions
Poverty Areas with high poverty may have inadequate infrastructure for HIV/AIDS care.
Patients themselves may be poorer and more needy.
Death Rate among People with AIDS Direct indicator of higher need
OMB PART performance measure
Prevalence Rate Areas with high prevalence rate shoulder a disproportionate burden per uninfected person

Measurement Proxies. Each component in the SON Index is a reflection of a need. The chart below explains the need factor(s) measured by each component. For example, the straightforward component, cases, is a reflection of the number of living HIV and AIDS cases. Poverty, in contrast, is a reflection of multiple needs—from lack of health insurance to poor access to care.

Component Need Factors Captured
Cases Reported living HIV and AIDS cases
Federal Insurance Reduction Medicare/Medicaid enrollment
Medicare/Medicaid benefit adequacy
Federal share of total Medicare/Medicaid payments
Proportion of Ryan White funds devoted to medical services
Regional Costs Differences in medical labor costs
Differences in regional rent costs
Poverty Lack of insurance
Poor access to medical services
Racial and ethnic disparities
Higher than average substance abuse rates
Death Rate among People with AIDS Lack of access to timely medical care
Patients with longer durations of infection
Resistance to antiviral therapies
Untreated substance abuse
Prevalence Rate Burden per person of area population

Data Sources. Below is a description of the data source used to assess each component.

Item Description /Source Year Status
Cases Living Cases of AIDS + HIV from CDC
Living Cases of HIV from Code-based States
2005 Complete
Geographic Costs Medical staff wages from BLS
Rent values from HUD
2006 Complete
Federal Insurance Estimates of the number of people with SSI, SSDI,
or both as a result of an HIV/AIDS diagnosis
Information on Medicaid, Medically Needy eligibility
Information on special Medicaid enrollment programs 2006 Interim
Provided by SSA
2006 Interim values
Death Rate Deaths over a 5-year period divided by the total life years
lived by people with AIDS only in that same period
Provided by CDC
2001– 2005 Time period complete
Poverty Average percentage of population below
100% of FPL, past 5 years
U.S. Census
2006 Complete
Prevalence Number of cases / total population 2006 Complete