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Awards and Prizes

Distinguished Postdoc Performance Awards (PDPA)

The Distinguished Postdoc Performance Awards (PDPA) recognize individual Postdoctoral researchers or teams of no more than three Postdoctoral researchers who were the major contributors towards outstanding and unique research resulting in a positive and significant impact on the Laboratory's programmatic/organizational efforts or status in the scientific community.

List of Award Recipients (pdf)

Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Theoretical Physics

This biennial prize is sponsored by Leon Heller and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and is awarded for the best article in theoretical physics, published or accepted for publication. A call for nominations is sent out in January in even numbered years.

List of Prize Winners (pdf)

Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Experimental Sciences

This biennial prize is sponsored by Damon Giovanielli and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and is awarded for the best article in experimental sciences, published or accepted for publication. A call for nominations is sent out in January in odd numbered years.

List of Prize Winners (pdf)


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