State Data


Estimated number of CSHCN in Pennsylvania: 430,640

All statistics are based on parental reports

Prevalence of CSHCN State % National %
Percent of children who have special health care needs 15.4 13.9
0-5 Years 8.8 8.8
6-11 Years 17.2 16.0
12-17 Years 19.4 16.8
Male 17.8 16.1
Female 12.8 11.6
Poverty Level
0-99% FPL 17.5 13.9
100-199% FPL 17.2 14.0
200-399% FPL 14.1 13.6
400% FPL or More 14.1 14.0
Hispanic Origin and Race
Non-Hispanic 15.1 15.0
White 14.8 15.5
Black 18.1 15.0
Asian * 6.3
American Indian/Alaska Native * 14.5
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander * 11.5
Multiple Races 15.7 17.9
Hispanic 13.6 8.3
Hispanic, Spanish language household 6.9 4.6
Hispanic, English language household 17.2 13.1
*Due to the small size of this group in the State population, data have been suppressed to protect respondents' confidentiality.
Indicator State % National %
Child Health
CSHCN whose conditions affect their activities usually, always, or a great deal 25.0 24.0
CSHCN with 11 or more days of school absences due to illness 15.2 14.3
Health Insurance Coverage
CSHCN without insurance at some point in the past year 7.6 8.8
CSHCN without insurance at time of survey 2.0 3.5
Currently insured CSHCN whose insurance is inadequate 30.1 33.1
Access to Care
CSHCN with any unmet need for specific health care services 16.1 16.1
CSHCN with any unmet need for family support services 4.8 4.9
CSHCN needing a referral who have difficulty getting it 28.0 21.1
CSHCN without a usual source of care when sick (or who rely on the emergency room) 4.5 5.7
CSHCN without any personal doctor or nurse 5.6 6.5
Family-Centered Care
CSHCN without family-centered care 33.6 34.5
Impact on Family
CSHCN whose families pay $1,000 or more out of pocket in medical expenses per year for the child 16.8 20.0
CSHCN whose conditions cause financial problems for the family 18.2 18.1
CSHCN whose families spend 11 or more hours per week providing or coordinating the child’s health care 11.0 9.7
CSHCN whose conditions cause family members to cut back or stop working 24.4 23.8
Core Outcomes % of CSHCN Achieving Outcome in the State % of CSHCN Achieving Outcome in the Nation
Families of children and youth with special health care needs partner in decision making at all levels and are satisfied with the services they receive 60.6 57.4
Children and youth with special health care needs receive coordinated ongoing comprehensive care within a medical home 45.8 47.1
Families of CSHCN have adequate private and/or public insurance to pay for the services they need 66.2 62.0
Children are screened early and continuously for special health care needs 69.7 63.8
Community-based services for children and youth with special health care needs are organized so families can use them easily 89.5 89.1
Youth with special health care needs receive the services necessary to make transitions to all aspects of adult life, including adult health care, work, and independence 46.0 41.2

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