Los Alamos National Laboratory

Year in Review 2007-2008: Goal 5: The future weapons complex

The Laboratory's mission is to provide the scientific and technological know-how to meet any national security challenge. In December 2007, under its plan for "complex transformation,"  DOE announced that the Lab is the "preferred alternative" for plutonium, nuclear weapon design and engineering, and supercomputing programs. Seven public meetings were held to allow New Mexico residents to comment on the plan.

Year in Review 2007-2008: Goal 5: The future weapons complex
Scientists meeting

Transform the Laboratory and the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile to achieve NNSA's vision for complex transformation

We continually evaluate existing infrastructure and make needed changes, strive to meet our future needs, and want the best in science and engineering.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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