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Title   LinkOxford English dictionary [electronic resource].
Published   Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, [2000]-
Frequency   Updated quarterly
Abstract   The Oxford English Dictionary is widely acknowledged to be the most authoritiative and comprehensive dictionary of English in the world, covering the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources. It also offers etymological analysis, listings of variant spellings, and pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Subject   LinkEnglish language -- Etymology -- Dictionaries
  LinkEnglish language -- Dictionaries
Other Author   LinkOxford University Press.
Uniform title   LinkOxford English dictionary (Online) .
Other Title   OED online
Format   Book
  Online resource
Record Number   000242062
ONLINE ACCESS:   http://dictionary.oed.com/ { Access restricted to LANL staff. } 

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