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EPSCoR Highlights

EPSCoR Highlights Slide 1 EPSCoR Highlights Title Slide
National Science Foundation (EPSCoR)
Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 2 Can't Change its Stripes

Idaho scientists study how zebra fish respond to nutrients and pollutants.

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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 3 Shocking Science!
Arkansas nanoscience graduate students bring (shocking) hands-on science to youngsters.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 4 Field Samples

Wyoming pine samples enable radiocarbon and stable isotope analysis.

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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 5

A Better Widget Works

Louisiana science adventure campers play Widget Works at a BioModular System (CBM2).
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 6 Undergrad Research @ Tribal Colleges
Summer campers participate in NATURE in North Dakota.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 7 Made In Idaho
Boise State's fully-automated system improves prediction of water contamination.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 8 Working with Nanomaterials
A Louisiana grad student synthesizes nanoparticles.
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©2001 Paul Taylor
EPSCoR Highlights Slide 9 Alabama Nanotech
Tuskegee U's Alabama Center for Nanotechnology Materials (ACNM) engages undergrads.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 10 Characterizing Chloroplast
Arkansas researchers observe the nanostructure of chloroplast.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 11 Roads Once Traveled
Wyoming scientists study roads once used by ancient Easter Islanders to move tons of stone.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 12 Learning Biology Cold
Montana State students in cold room study Complex Biological Systems.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 13 Nanostructure Research
A West Virginia research assistant demonstrates the molecular beam epitaxy to an underclassman.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 14 Montana Apprenticeship Program
MT Apprenticeship Program (MAP) develops biomedical and behavioral research pre-professionals.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 15 Land Use Sheds Light on Watersheds
Idaho State students examine how land uses affects nutrient processing in watersheds.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 16 DNA Sequencing Cuts to the Core
Louisiana State’s DNA Sequencing Lab develops approach to analyze the primary structure of the human genome.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 17 Still Waters Run Deep at Yellowstone
South Dakota’s Thermal Biology Institute students take hydrothermal pool samples in Yellowstone National Park.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 18 Mini Robots Adapt in Vermont
Robot can detect its own shape and efficiently adapt to damage.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 19 See Mountain-to-Sea in Hawaii
The Hawaiian Ahupua provides exciting "mountain-to-sea" perspective on ecosystems research.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 20 Membranes in Mississippi
X-ray scattering pattern of a stretched DuPont fuel cell membrane.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 22 Encouraging Future Scientists
Idaho Research Experiences for Undergraduates Undecided (REU2) peaks student interest in science.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 23 Fuel by Oilseed Takes Flight
North Dakota’s SUNRISE research group developed oilseed-based bio-jet fuel.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 24 Solar-Powered Sea Slugs
Maine Educators use fascinating organisms to transform the teaching of basic principles in biology.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 25 No Straw Man: NATURE
Native American students at North Dakota’s Turtle Mountain Community College construct and test the strength of a straw tower.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 26 Modeling Storm Surge
Maximum significant wave heights from hurricane Katrina predicted by Alabama’s coupled surge and wave modeling system.
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EPSCoR Highlights Slide 27 Arctic Fossils
North Dakota and Ohio researchers discovered plant and animal fossils from the last of Antarctica's tundra-like communities.
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Last Updated:
Mar 24, 2009
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Last Updated: Mar 24, 2009