The University of Vermont

Two pictures; Mann Hall Building and physical therapists helping a kid to ride a bike; and text - To improve the lives of individuals and their families through research, training, and community services


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Center on Disability and Community Inclusion

"To improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families through research, training, and community services"

Making a difference

The Center on Disability and Community Inclusion (CDCI), in collaboration and coordination with individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and communities, will promote opportunities for valued life outcomes for individuals with disabilities of all ages in all facets of community life.

CDCI is part of a national network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs). There are currently 67 UCEDDs, with at least one in every state and US territory. Each UCEDD is affiliated with a major research university and serves as a resource for all people in the areas of education, research, and service relative to the needs of people with developmental disabilities.

Want to show your support for the CDCI? Learn more...

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Last modified September 09 2008 02:43 PM

Contact UVM © 2008 The University of Vermont - Burlington, VT 05405 - (802) 656-3131