Kids As Self Advocates (KASA) is a national, grassroots project created by youth with disabilities for youth. We are teens and young adults with disabilities speaking out. KASA knows youth can make choices and advocate for themselves if they have the information and support they need.

We are leaders in our communities, and we help spread helpful, positive information among our peers to increase knowledge around various issues. We also help health care professionals, policymakers and other adults in our communities understand what it is like to live our lives and we participate in discussions about how to help each other succeed.

KASA believes young people with disabilities will have control over their own lives and futures. We help this happen by teaching youth about their rights, giving peer support and training, and changing the systems that affect our lives to include us.

Welcome to KASA! Joining is free and open to anyone who would like to be part of our network. So, read up, join in and pass it on!

On our website:

  • Learn more about KASA - who we are, what we do, and how you can join us

  • Meet our National Advisory Board and our Task Force

  • Read reports from the field - essays about personal experiences and reports from conferences across the country

  • Look through our resources - a wide variety of information sheets and articles about disability-related issues as well as links to useful sites

  • Enjoy the projects in the KASA Cafe - poetry and art from our very creative members

  • Participate in our forum - share your ideas and let your voice be heard!

Contact us for materials:
Most of the information we have available is on our website, but we also have many brochures and other materials that we can send you to use for yourself or at a meeting. Send an email to or call us at 785-273-3398 and we'll get the materials out to you right away!

Resources, Materials and More!

Announcing KASA’s newest pocket guide:
“How to be Involved in a Board or Council: Roles and Responsibilities”

It covers:
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Skills and/or attitudes needed to serve on a board/council
  • Tips to deal with what might be hard
  • And much more!

Written by youth who have served on boards and councils successfully, this 24 page pocket guide will give young people interested in getting more involved in their community the information they need!

Order your copy today! Download the order form or go to the Family Voices catalog.

Standardized Testing: What Youth with Disabilities Have to Say

Learn what young people with disabilities have to say about the high school exit exam (a standardized test a student must pass to get a high school diploma) as well as other standardized tests.

This report shares:

  • Youth voice – including many great quotes from youth
  • Cutting edge ideas to improve test accessibility and knowledge of rights
  • How standardized testing has affected people with disabilities in history

Order your copy today! Download the Order Form (.doc format) or go to the Family Voices Catalog.

Now Available in Spanish!

Youth As Leaders Manual

A “How-To” Manual on including youth as leaders in your organization, agency or project is now available from KASA.

Does your organization want to…

  • be more accountable to the population you serve?
  • be accessible to a broader audience?
  • create opportunities to learn?
  • enhance sustainability?
  • increase credibility to policymakers and the public?
  • influence future leaders?

Then include Youth as Leaders! 

Download order form to order your copy today!


KASA and NYLN are two national programs for youth with disabilities. We came together to create some documents on important issues to young people. This website is to share these documents with others who also care about these issues:

  • Respectful Disability Language: Here's What's Up!
  • Accessibility and Accommodations: Making opportunity accessible to all
  • Document Accessibility Checklist

Click here for more information.