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Quality of Care : HAB Performance Measures Companion Guide


Data Collection & Reporting


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  1. Are Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees required to submit data to HAB on the defined performance measures?
  2. Does CAREWare tabulate data for HAB's clinical performance measures?
  3. What is the measurement year and can it be altered?
  4. Why isn't the standard measurement year used for influenza vaccination?
  5. Can client self-report be used?
  6. Is the denominator for the measures reflecting data available statewide through surveillance (such as number of CD4 tests and test values) only clients served by a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded service (seen in the reporting year) or may we report on all known, living PLWH/A in the aggregate?
1. Are Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees required to submit data to HAB on the defined performance measures?  

The performance measures represent key clinical decision points and should be included as part of a quality management program for those providing services to the HIV-infected population. While data are not required to be submitted to HAB at this time, grantees are strongly encouraged to track and trend data on these measures to monitor the quality of care provided. Grantees are encouraged to identify areas for improvement and to include these in their quality management plan. This type of information provides rich discussion opportunities with their Project Officers.

In addition, the HIV/AIDS Bureau is pursuing the development of client level data reporting for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees. Certain data elements deemed critical for client level data reporting purposes may correspond to the core clinical performance measures. In these instances, efforts to align the data elements are being undertaken.

2. Does CAREWare tabulate data for HAB's clinical performance measures?  

Within CAREWare the Performance Measurement Module (PMM) has been created and is available for use. The PMM allows the user to enter and tabulate data for HAB's Group 1 and Group 2 measures. If the feature is beneficial to users, additional measures may be added at a later point. It is also important to know that CAREWare allows the user to customize performance measures. Therefore, any of HAB's measures can be added or new measures can be created.

3. What is the measurement year and can it be altered?  

The measurement year is the calendar year and yes, it can be altered to match your organization's performance measurement cycle. It was delineated as a calendar year to coincide with client level data.

4. Why isn't the standard measurement year used for influenza vaccination?  

Influenza vaccines are administered during the cold and flu season, typically September through February. If a standard calendar year was used with this measure, some clients may receive two vaccines in a given year, but for two different flu seasons. For instance, a client may receive the vaccine for 2007-2008 flu season in January 2008 (see table below). A second vaccine can be given in November 2008 for the 2008-2009 flu season. If the client does not receive the vaccine for the 2009-2010 flu season until January 2010, they would not count in the 2009 data reviews if a calendar year was used. By changing the measurement period to April-March, all clients would be included.

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
5. Can client self-report be used?  

In general, client self-report has been determined to be fairly unreliable. Of the performance measures released in Groups 1-3, only one measure, oral exam, allows for client self-report.

6. Is the denominator for the measures reflecting data available statewide through surveillance (such as number of CD4 tests and test values) only clients served by a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded service (seen in the reporting year) or may we report on all known, living PLWH/A in the aggregate ?  

For the purposes of these measures, the denominator should include only those clients served by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded providers.