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Community Health Workers National Workforce Study

Appendix C. The National Employer Inventory

The Community Health Worker National Employer Inventory (CHW/NEI) was conducted in partnership with the Center for Sustainable Health Outreach (CSHO) at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM, Hattiesburg).

The steps below chart the process undertaken and indicates the number of employer contacts developed, verified, and invited to participate in this unprecedented national survey with all 50 States represented.

  1. Design of the Web-based Survey by RCHWS in partnership with CSHO
  2. Original List of Contacts from CSHO (5,000)
  3. Screening by RCHWS and CSHO reduces list to 3,700
  4. Telephone Verification of Contacts after Additions of New Leads by RCHWS/UTHSCSA and CHWS/SUNY Produces a Final List of 2,495
  5. Invitations by CSHO
  6. Reminder Cards / Letters by CSHO
  7. Follow-Up Phone Calls by CSHO
  8. Response Rate of 36.2%
  9. Validation of Inventory by RCHWS