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Title   LinkEssential science indicators [electronic resource]
Published   Philadelphia, Pa. : Institute for Scientific Information,.
Frequency   Every three to four months.
Access   Restricted to LANL staff.
Abstract   Essential Science Indicators (ESI) provides access to a compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data derived from ISI’s databases. ESI uses journal article publication counts as the chief indicators of output or productivity. For influence and impact measures, ESI employs both total citation counts and cites per paper scores. The former reveals gross influence while the latter shows weighted influence, also called impact. It is important to recognize that the data in ESI are limited to ISI-indexed journal articles only.
Subject   LinkBibliographical citations -- Computer network resources
  LinkBibliographical citations -- Statistics -- Computer network resources
  LinkCitation indexes -- Computer network resources
Other Title   ISI essential science indicators [electronic resource]
Format   Journal
  Online resource
Record Number   000322580
ONLINE ACCESS:   Coverage: Latest 10 years plus six months http://esi.isiknowledge.com/home.cgi { Access restricted to LANL staff. } 

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