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Title   LinkJahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik.
Published   Berlin : Georg Reimer, 1871-1944.
Physical Descr.   68 v. ;  23 cm.
Frequency   Annual
Issued   1. Bd.-68 ; 1868-Apr. 1942
Note   Editors: 1868- , C. Ohrtmann and F. Müller.--1925-1942, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Abstract   The Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics is a searchable bibliographic database of the "Jahrbuch uber die Fortschritte der Mathematik" (JFM) and a full-image electronic archive of the most important mathematical publications of the period 1868-1943. As of January 2004, all of the data from the printed version was incorporated, and it was made available also through ZMATH: Zentralblatt Mathematik.
Additional Form   Also available on the World Wide Web.
Issuing Body   Online project sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Link Note   Combined, 1932-34, with the Revue semestrielle des publications mathématiques, but published in two parts, each part with its separate title.
Subject   LinkMathematics -- Periodicals.
  LinkMathematics -- Bibliography -- Periodicals.
Subject   LinkGerman periodicals.
Other Author   LinkDeutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.
  LinkDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Abbrev. Title   Jahrb. Fortschr. Math.
Other Title   Online title: Jahrbuch-Project: Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics (ERAM)
  Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics (ERAM)
  ERAM (Electronic Research Archive for Mathematics)
ISSN   0179-2849
Format   Journal
  Online resource
Record Number   000454470
ONLINE ACCESS:   http://www.emis.de/MATH/JFM/JFM.html 

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