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Nursing Scholarship Program

Applicant Information Bulletin: School Year 2009-2010
Fulfilling the Service Commitment

Years of Service Owed

Participants who sign "Full-Time Student" Contracts incur one (1) year of full-time obligated service for each full or partial school year of support received, with a minimum 2-year full-time service obligation. For example, a student who receives a full year of support (12 months) the first school year, a partial year of support (6 months) the second school year, and a full year of support the third school year will owe the equivalent of 3 years of full-time clinical service. 

Participants who sign “Part-Time Student” Contracts incur a 2-year service obligation or the part-time equivalent of one year for each school  year the participant receives a scholarship, whichever is greater.

Full-Time or Part-Time Clinical Service

Participants may satisfy their service obligations on either a full-time or part-time basis:

  • Full-time clinical practice is defined as a minimum of 32 hours per week for a minimum of 45 weeks per year. At least 26 hours per week must be spent providing clinical services to patients. 
  • Part-time clinical practice is defined as a minimum of 16 hours per week and up to a maximum of 31 hours per week, for a minimum of 45 weeks per year. At least 80% of the hours each week must be spent providing clinical services to patients. (For example, a nurse scheduled to work 20 hours per week must spend at least 16 hours per week providing clinical services). 

No more than 7 weeks (28 work days) per service year can be spent away from the approved practice site for vacation, holidays, continuing education, illness, maternity, or any other reason. For consecutive periods of absences greater than 7 weeks in a 52-week service year, the participant should request a suspension.  See “Waiver, Suspension, or Cancellation of the Commitment.”  A break in service will extend the service obligation end date. 

Participants wishing to serve part-time must obtain approval from the NSP and must agree to extend their service obligation so that the aggregate amount of service performed will equal the amount of a full-time service obligation. See “Ending Date of Obligated Service" below for an explanation of how the length of the part-time service obligation is determined. Requests to pursue part-time service at less than 16 hours per week will not be approved.

NSP Service Sites

NSP participants must provide full-time or part-time clinical service in a health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses located in a State.  By statute, eligible health care facilities include: 

  1. Ambulatory Surgical Centers;
  2. Federally Qualified Health Centers (including Look Alike Health Centers);
  3. Home Health Agencies;
  4. Hospice Programs;
  5. Hospitals;
  6. Indian Health Service Health Centers;
  7. Native Hawaiian Health Centers; 
  8. Nursing Homes;
  9. Rural Health Clinics; 
  10. Skilled Nursing Facilities; and 
  11. State or local Public Health Departments including Public Health Clinics within the  Departments

See glossary for definitions of State and health care facility types set forth above. 

Ineligible sites include but are not limited to:

  1. Assisted Living Facilities.
  2. Free Standing Clinics that do not qualify as one of the above critical shortage facilities;
  3. Private Practice Offices; and
  4. Renal Dialysis Centers.

Service Placement Process

Recipients will have up to 6 months from their date of graduation to: 1) obtain a nursing license and 2) accept an offer of employment from an NSP-approved facility.  Recipients will have up to 3 months following the date of the acceptance of such job offer to commence full-time (or if approved, part-time) clinical services at the facility.

Recipients should contact the Scholar Support Branch of the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support at 1-800-221-9393 prior to accepting employment to assure facility/position eligibility. The NSP reserves the right to grant final approval of all service locations, in order to insure a scholar's compliance with statutory requirements related to the service obligation. Once employment begins, scholars are required to submit an initial Employment Certification Form and submit a employment verification form every 6 months thereafter until the service obligation is completed.  

Recipients who fail to accept an offer of employment from an NSP-approved eligible facility within 6 months of their date of graduation, or who fail to start service within 3 months of the date of their acceptance of such offer of employment, may be recommended for default of their service obligation. Recipients, who default on their NSP service obligation, incur the damages described below in the "Defaulting on the Scholarship Commitment – Breach of Contract" section.

Licensure/Certification Required

Prior to commencing service, a scholarship recipient must be permanently licensed to practice as a registered nurse (or if appropriate, as an advanced practice nurse) in the State where he/she will be serving. Credit towards fulfillment of the scholarship commitment will not be given in the absence of a current, unencumbered permanent license in the State of service. In addition, advanced practice nurses are expected to pass a national certification examination for their specialty (that is administered by a nationally recognized certifying body) prior to commencing service.  No service credit will be given until the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support at 5600 Fishers Lane, 8-15, Rockville, Maryland 20857 has received documentation that all licensure and certification requirements have been met.

Responsibility for obtaining the required State license (and national certification exam, if applicable) prior to the service start date rests with the scholarship recipient. Scholars are expected to take the appropriate licensure/certification exams at the earliest possible date. If the recipient is unsuccessful in obtaining a license or passing the certification exams within 6 months of his or her graduation date, the recipient should immediately contact the Scholar Support Branch of the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support, in writing, at 5600 Fishers Lane, 8-15, Rockville, Maryland 20857 to request a suspension. See "Waiver, Suspension or Cancellation of the Commitment" section in this Bulletin.

Beginning Date of Service Commitment

Nurses must begin their service at an NSP-approved eligible facility within 3 months of the date of their acceptance of employment at that facility and within 9 months from the date of graduation. The recipient and an authorized representative of the NSP-approved facility should negotiate a start date within this timeframe.

Credit for service toward the nursing scholarship commitment does not begin until: (1) the scholar has submitted documentation demonstrating that the scholar has met the license/certification requirements; and (2) the NSP receives documentation that the scholar  begins to provide full-time (or part-time, if approved) clinical services at a NSP-approved eligible facility/position.

Delaying Start of Service

Recipients with documented, extreme circumstances which jeopardize the start of service may request to suspend their service commitments for up to one (1) year. Such requests must be sent in writing to the Scholar Support Branch of the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support at 5600 Fishers Lane 8-15, Rockville, Maryland 20857  See "Waiver, Suspension or Cancellation of the Commitment" section in this Bulletin.

Ending Date of Obligated Service

For scholars serving on a full-time basis, the last day of the service commitment is calculated by counting the number of days of full-time service owed from the service start date. For example, the last day of service for a recipient with a 3-year service commitment who began service on July 15, 2009, would be July 14, 2012.

Scholars serving on a part-time basis must agree to extend their service obligations so that the aggregate amount of the part-time service performed will equal the amount of their full-time service obligation. For scholars serving on a part-time basis, the length of their service commitment will be determined by dividing 100 by the minimum percentage of the full-time obligation being served and then multiplying that amount by the number of days of full-time service owed. For example, a nursing student owes 2 years (730 days) of full-time service and has signed an employment contract to work a minimum of 20 hours per week. Twenty hours per week represents 62.5% of the full-time service obligation (20/32 = .625 or 62.5 percent). Dividing 100 by 62.5 equals 1.6, and 1.6 multiplied by 730 equals 1,168. Thus, this scholar would owe 1,168 days of part-time service, and the service end date would be 1,168 days from the service start date.

Adjustments to the ending date may be made by the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support if the scholar takes more than the allowable time away from the site (see "Full-Time or Part-Time Clinical Service") section  and if the service is suspended, interrupted, or otherwise delayed.

Leaving the Service Site (Changing Jobs)

Participants are expected to complete their service obligation at their initial service site.  Should participants be unable to complete their obligation at their initial NSP service site, they must continue their service at another NSP-approved service site.  When a break in service occurs, the participant’s service end date will be extended.  

When a participant desires a transfer, a written request must be submitted to the Division of Scholar and Clinician Support (DSCS) at 5600 Fishers Lane 8A-15, Rockville, Maryland  20857 for approval.  A transfer request should be submitted before the participant leaves his or her current service site.  All transfer sites must be approved by the NSP.   Leaving the assigned site without prior written approval by the DSCS may result in a default recommendation.

Next Section > Defualting on the Scholarship Commitment

To Apply

On-Line Application: Complete and submit by 5 pm ET May 14

BCRSIS Online Banking Form: Complete and submit by 5 pm ET May 14 if you meet the first funding preference

Supplemental Forms (PDF - 382 KB): Complete, print, sign and mail. Must be received or postmarked by May 14

Documentation: Compile and mail. Received or postmarked by May 14

Mail to:

Nursing Scholarship Program
c/o HRSA Call Center
12530 Parklawn Drive, Suite 350
Rockville, MD 20852