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Regional Interagency Executive Committee

Meeting Information | Who We Are | What We Do | Related Committees | NWFP Fact Sheets | Management Implications Summary Sheet

 What's New? Next Meeting: Annual Meeting - September 18, 2008, Portland, Oregon
Last Meeting: March 19, 2008    Prework    Notes
Meeting Information Most meetings are held in a Federal building in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. Attendance is typically limited to RIEC committee members or their alternates, Regional Ecosystem Office staff, invited agency staff specialists, and presenters. For information about the meetings, please contact the Regional Ecosystem Office agency representatives
Who We Are


RIEC Member List


2007-2008 Chair:
Ed Shepard,
BLM OR/WA State Director

The RIEC is composed of Regional Directors from the various land management, regulatory, research, and other relevant agencies in the Federal government located in Northern California, Western Oregon, and Western Washington which include: 
 What We Do

Meeting Agendas
and Notes

RIEC Decision Index 

The Regional Interagency Executive Committee (RIEC) serves as the senior regional entity to assure the prompt, coordinated, and successful implementation of the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) at the regional level. The RIEC serves as the principle conduit for communications between the region and the national entities.

The Memorandum of Understanding between Federal agencies describes the RIEC as being responsible for developing, evaluating, and resolving consistency and implementation issues with respect to specific topics including, but not limited to: watershed analysis, restoration guidelines, Endangered Species Act requirements, adaptive management guidelines, monitoring, and research. The RIEC also reviews proposals for consistency with objectives contained in the Record of Decision, exemptions, and proposed changes to the Standards and Guidelines.

The Regional Ecosystem Office serves as staff to the RIEC.   

Related Committees The RIEC seeks advice from the Intergovernmental Advisory Committee (IAC), constituted under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, regarding implementation of the NWFP and coordinates with the IAC to improve integration of forest ecosystem management activities among Federal and non-Federal government entities across jurisdictional boundaries. 

Last updated
 Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The RIEC has the prerogative to create ad hoc or standing sub-committees that typically include a RIEC representative or two, and technical staff specialists, and/or managerial staff from various agencies. Status reports from these committees are provided to the full RIEC during normal meetings.