

I want to warn people about the job offer of a company rep that has nothing to do with shipping products or anything. They ask you to be an accountant. To receive payments from American customer's. Due to the difficulty in cashing out of coutry payments, and the time involved in waiting they need you to be their company rep. You are asked to cash, at your bank, what is supposed to be cahiers checks or money orders, but in truth turns out to be traveler's checks. You are asked to cash these, keep 10% and send the remaining to the companies suppliers in forgein countries. You will be instructed where to send the payments in the letter accompanying the payment. Most often it was Nigieria for me. If you are very lucky, the bank will just want the money back...But be advised they can charge you with a federal crime. Passing fraudulent checks. They will have you on tape claiming they are from your vacation, because that's what you've been told to say by your "employer". Run from this...you could find yourself in prison.

Stacy, WA