MONTEREY BAY NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY ADVISORY COUNCIL FINAL Meeting Minutes March 13, 1998 The Highlands Inn Carmel The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) Advisory Council met on Friday, March 13, 1998 at the Highlands Inn Surf Room in Carmel. Public categories and government agencies were present as indicated: Agriculture: Richard Nutter Diving: VACANT AMBAG: Katherine Beiers Education: Dorris Welch At Large: Karin Strasser Kauffman, Chair Enforcement: Tom Pedersen - NOT PRESENT At Large: Steve Webster - NOT PRESENT Fishing: Dave Danbom At Large: David Iverson Ports & Harbors: Joe Townsend - NOT PRESENT Business & Industry: Steve Abbott Recreation: Tom La Hue CA EPA: Marc Del Piero Research: Greg Cailliet CA Coastal Commission: Tami Grove Tourism: Ed Brown CA Resources Agency: Melissa Miller-Henson U.S. Coast Guard: Lt. Phyllis Blanton Conservation: Rachel Saunders The following non-voting members were present as indicated: Monterey Bay NMS: William Douros Gulf of the Farallones NMS and Cordell Bank NMS: Ed Ueber - NOT PRESENT Channel Islands NMS: Ed Cassano Elkhorn Slough NERR: Becky Christensen - NOT PRESENT I. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, INTRODUCTION OF NEW SANCTUARY SUPERINTENDENT, APPROVAL OF AUGUST 1, 1997 DRAFT MEETING MINUTES, REVIEW OF CORRESPONDENCE A) Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 9:15 a.m. B) Welcome and Roll Call The Chair welcomed the new MBNMS Superintendent, William J. Douros, the new Advisory Council members as well as the public to the Carmel Highlands. Lisa de Marignac conducted the roll call. C) Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes The minutes from the December 5, 1998 meeting were approved as presented. D) Review of Correspondence The Chair reviewed Council correspondence written since the last Council meeting and thanked Bill Douros for the cover letter to the kelp harvesting report. The Chair also reviewed meeting materials, making special mention of the World Oceans Conference to be held in June 1998 in Monterey. II. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Steve Campi, President, Central California Council of Diving Clubs (CenCal), expressed his concern regarding the process of selecting the Advisory Council¹s Diving Representative. CenCal¹s nomination was not selected for the seat. CenCal¹s members are not familiar with the appointed representative, Ken Lundie, but are willing to work with him on diver-related issues. Travis Evans reported that the San Luis Obispo County Planning Committee is opposing any further proposed oil drilling operations off its coast and requested to obtain a special designation to protect the coastal and ocean waters south of the MBNMS boundary. Vicki Nichols, Save Our Shores, announced that CNN is in the area covering the sea lion/salmon issue. III. FAREWELL TO OUTGOING MEMBERS SWEARING-IN OF NEW MEMBERS The Chair thanked several outgoing members, emphasizing their exemplary service and inviting them to come back to meetings anytime. The Chair then presented plaques: David Iverson - once again announced his reluctance to step down from the Council and his need to focus his volunteer efforts on Half Moon Bay. He urged the Council and the Sanctuary to expand their efforts to the north and south. Tom La Hue - announced his career change to teaching, which has created a schedule conflict with the Council meetings. However, he would like to share his passion for the marine environment with his students. He highly recommended Sally Smith as his replacement. Joanne Flanders - expressed her appreciation to the Council for its support during a difficult transition. Sanctuary Superintendent, Bill Douros, conducted the swearing-in of the following new members: Ken Lundie - Diving Chet Forrest - At-Large Sally Smith - Recreation Doug Huckins - Enforcement Jim Stilwell - Ports and Harbors Alternate Pat Clark-Gray - Education Alternate Travis Evans - Fishing Alternate Takashi Hattori - Recreation Alternate Vicki Nichols - Conservation Alternate Erik Schmidt - At-Large Alternate The following newly appointed members have not been sworn-in: Ted Balestreri - Business and Industry Alternate Rick Starr - Research Alternate Ed Cooper - Diving Alternate Michael Jani - Agriculture Alternate Steve Scheiblauer - Ports and Harbors Alternate Ellen Faurot-Daniels - At-Large Alternate The Chair welcomed the new members and expressed her eagerness to begin working with them. IV. SAC ORIENTATION: PROTOCOL AND EXPECTATION Bill Douros presented an overview of his expectations for the new Council, emphasizing the need for professional representation of constituencies, especially during heated issues. He explained that the primary and alternate members should work closely together to ensure a smooth transition in case it is necessary for an alternate to sit at a Council meeting. He discouraged primary and alternates from switching back and forth during a Council meeting. Bill emphasized that the Council should serve not only in an advisory role, but also in a collaborative role, as a Sanctuary resource to get work done. The Chair expanded on the primary/alternate system by emphasizing that the primary members are expected to represent their seats at the Council meetings. However, she encouraged alternates to attend the meetings and to participate in Sanctuary and Council- related activities. She advised primary members and their alternates to stay in touch between meetings. The Chair reviewed the Council handbook, highlighting the need to select a new Chair at the Council¹s next meeting. The Chair asked the new alternates to introduce themselves. Travis Evans, Vicki Nichols, Erik Schmidt, Takashi Hattori, Pat Clark-Gray and Jim Stilwell provided brief backgrounds on themselves and their organizations. Remaining new members will be sworn-in at the April 3, 1998 Council meeting. V. MBNMS OFFICE REPORT Bill Douros provided a verbal and written report on MBNMS activities. See Attachment A. Council response included: … Ellen Faurot-Daniels was appointed by the Chair as the Council representative to the Vessel Traffic Management Workgroup and a letter will be sent to the U.S. Coast Guard; … Discussion ensued regarding Highway 1 repairs and concerns about possible Sanctuary impediment of re-building efforts; … Discussion ensued regarding the final Jade Rule and the 45 days of continuous session of Congress the Governor and Congress have to consider the new rule and voice any objections. The Council agreed to send a letter to the State Lands Commission, alerting them of the need for the State of California to take action similar to the newly adopted Federal regulations. The Council also agreed to put the issue on the next meeting agenda. Finally, the Chair requested that Melissa Miller-Henson review the State regulations on jade collecting and report back to the Council. VI. REPORT: EL NINO IMPACTS Bill Douros provided a verbal and written report on El Nino activities. See Attachment B. Bill explained that El Nino is a natural cycle and that determining potential human influences is difficult. Discussion ensued regarding various impacts, i.e. Moss Landing Harbor has lost an average of one-two feet of depth between February 3, 1998 and March 3, 1998; Fuel tanks are unearthed in San Luis Obispo County bluffs. Ed Cassano, CINMS, presented images demonstrating sediment flow into coastal waters. These data will aid researchers in evaluating El Nino impacts. Bill would like the Sanctuary to assist in the evaluation of El Nino impacts by developing a model of sediment flow correlating to beach replenishment and erosion. VII. CONSTITUENT REPORTS Conservation - Rachel Saunders presented an overview of her conservation constituency. Outreach is accomplished through monthly meetings of the CWG, as well as other venues. Rachel reviewed the history and mission of the CWG. The group serves as a forum of resource management issues. Individual outreach programs include BAYNET, Sanctuary Stewards, DockWalkers, StreamWalkers, urban watch programs, and a citizen monitoring network. Rachel explained that because many of these organizations are advocacy-oriented, they take positions that are sometimes popular and sometimes not. The conservation organizations have authored some Council and Sanctuary resolutions, and conduct media outreach to ensure accuracy in reporting. These organizations¹ roles are primarily citizen outreach, education and advocacy. Pressing issues include vessel traffic and increasing Sanctuary outreach. Business and Industry - Steve Abbott presented an overview of his business and industry constituency. Because his constituents are diverse, he has developed a list of forty contacts which includes twenty-three Chambers of Commerce, four business associations, ten individual business, and three industrial agencies. Steve conducts Sanctuary and Council- related mailings to his contact lists. He also attends the meetings of the Business and Tourism Activity Panel. Main concerns of the business and industry community are potential regulations and fees. Sanctuary regulation of historical events such as jade collecting, fireworks, and the chocolate abalone dives have sent red flags to the business community. VIII. DISCUSSION: DRAFT COUNCIL INTERIM ANNUAL REPORT The Chair presented the updated draft Council Interim Annual Report. Marc Del Piero made a motion to approve the draft report. The motion was seconded by Richard Nutter and passed unanimously. IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Marc Del Piero announced that the State may be taking action soon on the issue of invasive species. Council members agreed to forward past Council correspondence on the issue, with a cover letter, to Peter Rooney, Michael Kahoe, and Douglas Wheeler. Steve Scheiblauer announced that he included the Sanctuary/Council editorial on fishing regulations in the harbor¹s newsletter; and the harbors have been hit hard by El Nino. Ed Brown announced that the BTAP had a good turnout from local representatives at their March 4 meeting. The panel would also like to reach out to the southern and northern areas of the Sanctuary. Katherine Beiers announced that AMBAG, the local government council, is celebrating its thirty-year anniversary. Karin Strasser Kauffman announced she has received numerous phone calls from the public regarding Hearst Ranch and the possibility of establishing a protected area south of MBNMS; and former Council member, U.S. Coast Guard Commander Jim Hall, is returning to the Monterey Bay area from Washington, D.C. Rachel Saunders announced that CMC has begun work with AMBAG, the harbors, and the fishing industry. Steve Abbott thanked the Pebble Beach Company for hosting the BTAP meeting. Ed Cassano announced that CINMS is considering the possibility of establishing an Advisory Council; and CINMS is the first sanctuary to have its management plan re-written under the new NMSP Act. Greg Cailliet announced that the RAP held a meeting on February 13, 1998. Dorris Welch announced that the CORE Science Bowl went well; the Santa Cruz Interagency Task Force has dropped plans for an ³Edutainment Center²; and ³The Whale of an Auction² is scheduled for April 3. Melissa Miller-Henson announced that applications are available for the 1998 Governor¹s Leadership Award; the proceedings are available from last year¹s World Oceans Conference; and the California Resources Agency Grant Program is continuing. Phyllis Blanton announced the first Coast Guard Vessel Safety Day is scheduled for April 18, 1998 in Moss Landing. Tami Grove thanked the Advisory Council for hosting the California Coastal Commission reception. Doug Huckins forwarded regards from Tom Pedersen; the Blue Fin will be used again for several research projects; and wardens and biologists have been meeting monthly to discuss recommendations for regulation of the live rockfish fishery. Dave Danbom announced that he has been working to put fishermen at ease regarding last winter¹s articles on fishing regulations; and current issues include harbor dredging and opening the commercial fishery for salmon while the sea lions leave the area. Dick Nutter announced an emergency rule to allow car bodies to serve as levy stabilization. X. PRESENTATION: THE JASON PROJECT John Robinson presented an update on Jason Project activities. The project is heavily featuring the Sanctuary Program during its live broadcasts from Monterey Bay and Bermuda. The center for the Monterey operations is located at Monterey Bay Aquarium. The project will reach an audience of 2 million national and international middle school children. A constituent event is scheduled for March 30, 1998 at the Aquarium. All Advisory Council members are invited. Discussion ensued regarding the time commitment to this project on behalf of MBNMS staff, the effectiveness of the project, and the lack of local student accessibility to the live broadcasts. Bill Douros requested that John relay the Council¹s message of concern regarding local accessibility to the Jason Project. XI. REPORT: BOND MEASURES AND COASTAL INITIATIVES In January 1998, the Governor proposed two related bonds: … 1998 Watershed, Wildlife and Parks Improvement Bond - $800 million … Water Management Bond - $1.3 billion Some of the efforts proposed to be funded through these two bonds include coastal access and protection, State Parks, wetlands and riparian habitat protection, water conservation, watershed management and non-point source pollution prevention. Coastal Initiatives and Activities: … Coastal Initiative - $128 million for protecting coastline and waters; proposes budget and bond funding to include wetlands restoration and protection, coastal access and protection, enhanced reef fisheries and nearshore ecosystem management, and improved coastal water quality. … Watershed Initiative - $9 million; proposes budget and bond funding to include grants for meeting watershed improvement objectives and SWRCB public outreach in assessing and prioritizing water quality problems within targeted watersheds. Governor's Executive Order: … established lead agencies for specific issues; … requires that a maritime policy be developed for the State by Secretary for Business, Transportation and Housing in cooperation with ports; … Secretary for Environmental Protection shall inventory ocean and coastal water quality monitoring programs and make recommendations for a comprehensive State program; … CDFG shall conduct a review of and make recommendations for improving coordination of State's policies, plans and programs for marine resource management; … Cal/EPA and Resources Agency to conduct a comprehensive analysis of federal responsibilities; … Resources Agency and Cal/EPA to develop an Ocean Information System; … Secretary for Resources with Resources Agency Sea Grant Advisory Panel shall identify marine research needs for California. The CA Resources Agency is the beneficiary of $500,000 additional funding to begin implementing the Ocean Agenda: … $100K to five special Sea Grant projects … $100K to DFG for starting Nearshore Ecosystem Database … $50K for marine managed areas analysis … $50K for coastal watershed grants … $100K to Department of Boating & Waterways for coastal hazards database/web site … $100K to CERES for technical support to departments and to develop an ocean information system XII. REPORT: UPDATED ANNUAL PRIORITIES SET DATE FOR ANNUAL RETREAT Tami Grove reviewed the purpose of scheduling an annual retreat and reasons for updating annual priorities. Council members agreed to set the 1998 Retreat date for April 2, 1998. XIII. UPDATE: MBNMS BUDGET Bill Douros presented a brief overview of the Sanctuary budget which totals approximately $970,000 for FY98. He stated that a priority for the Sanctuary is to locate new office space. The MBNMS budget is broken into the following categories: … Research - $101,000 … Education - $112,000 … WQPP - $121,000 … Advisory Council - $35,000 … Computer - $15,000 … Boat - $27,000 … Plane - $20,000 … Permitting/Compliance - $40,000 … Administrative staff - $25,000 XIV. ANNUAL IN-DEPTH REPORT: RESEARCH/RAP Andrew DeVogelaere presented an oral and written report on the Sanctuary¹s Research Program. See Attachment C. The program¹s approach is to determine information gaps, develop collaborations to study issues, and interpret research to decision makers. Research activities of 1997 are broken into four components of the program: … Facilitating collaboration between research groups in the MBNMS region; … Assessing ³Sanctuary Health² with long-term monitoring programs; … Addressing research issues of resource management concern; … Interpreting research information for decision makers, including the public. Andrew reviewed 1997 projects, explaining that his projects often overlap with public relations and education. One of the challenges the program faces is dealing with ³piecemeal² grants. Andrew is looking for continuity in projects. Greg Cailliet gave a report on the history, role, and activities of the RAP. The working group¹s roles include: … Set research priorities that are primarily related to management of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary; … Promote, encourage, and review research projects in the Sanctuary; … Provide scientific advice and objective information to the Sanctuary Advisory Council and Sanctuary management; … Review and advise on research permits in the Sanctuary; … Coordinate the annual Monterey Bay Research Symposium; … Assist Sanctuary management with the organization and dissemination of information on research activities within the Sanctuary, including revision of the research database and the directory of regional scientists. Accomplishments for 1997 include: … Tours, updates, and presentations at 9 different institutions; … Addressed resource management issues at the following conferences: California and the World Oceans '97; Sanctuary Currents '97; Western Society of Naturalists; Conference on Marine Benthic Habitats, New Caledonia; Symposium on Pinniped Populations, American Fisheries Society; Workshop on Marine Harvest Refugia for Rockfish; … Publications: Investigations on the Fort Ord restriction zone; Annotated bibliography: human-made sound impacts; Mapping habitats and ocean currents at the Big Creek Reserve; Fisheries resources of the MBNMS; Also see "Research Program: 1997 Summary of Activities"; … Coordinated an El Niño Web Site; … Development and review of R/V McArthur science projects; … Organization of Sanctuary Currents '97; … Also see RAP meeting minutes posted on the MBNMS web site. XV. DISCUSSION: SAC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MBNMS WQPP Advisory Council members offered the following comments and advice on the WQPP: … Let¹s work to establish the program for the long-term; … Agricultural community is still concerned about possible regulatory actions, but would like to continue to work with MBNMS staff; … WQPP needs to focus on marine-based water quality monitoring; … Congratulations on generating outside income; … Public materials are very effective. The Chair emphasized that the WQPP is a great example of interagency coordination and encouraged Council members to help identify funding opportunities. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lisa de Marignac MBNMS Advisory Council Coordinator ENC MBNMS Office Report El Nino Report MBNMS Research Program Report Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting - March 13, 1998 FINAL Minutes 8