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Head Count: Tracking Obamas Appointments

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Their standing weekly lunch is normally served by butlers on the finest china in a private White House dining room. They sit at opposite ends of a polished mahogany table, a golden chandelier hanging overhead. Lunch at Ray's Hell Burger strikes a different tone. (Roger L. Wollenberg/Getty)

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Obama and Biden Make a Burger Run

Even the world's most powerful man, and the guy a heartbeat away, crave a juicy burger sometimes. So off they went to Ray's Hell Burger in Northern Virginia where they waited patiently in line as two customers in front of them pondered the menu leisurely, apparently oblivious to whom they were holding up.

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Gary Locke

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Post Partisan

Ideas -- and Jack Kemp

Michael Kinsley points out parallels between Kemp and other politicos.

Washington Sketch

And on the 105th Day . . .

Call it good policy, as Democrats do, or beginner's luck, as the last remaining Republicans do, but you can practically hear the nation collectively exhaling.


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Head Count

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The Economic Stimulus

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GOP's "Bleeding Heart" Passes

Jack Kemp, a star NFL quarterback who became a major player for the GOP, as a 9-term congressman and nominee for Vice President alongside Bob Dole, has passed away. Kimberly Dozier reports.

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