Church-State Gap After Souter

Court losing religious freedom advocate
by Michelle Boorstein | God in Gov

White House Won't Host 'Day of Prayer'

Evangelicals say Obama's decision a 'snub'
by Jacqueline L. Salmon | More News
What People Are Saying

YOUR COMMENTS: Is Torture Ever Justified?

*apostle: Torture is an abomination, and so is terrorism. So, torture should be outlawed. But, there is a time, that rare, desperation time, when a te...

bartatheart: Yes, I believe in torture -- and don't see it as a religious question because it's not about an individual's following God. It's about a gov...

SwingState: Torture is never acceptable and I think it's simple to tell what's torture and what's not. If someone does it to your kid and it's torture,...

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