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ADCI's Accomplishments

As the Intelligence Community (IC) prepares for the next century, its approach to the collection and dissemination of intelligence must continue to provide a strategic information advantage for the US. The DCI's vision for the future demands closer teamwork across the IC and more efficient use of our capabilities to keep pace with the demands of diplomatic and military operations. The Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection and the Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production are empowered to evolve community management functions to a more collaborative enterprise.


Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection

The Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection (ADCI for Collection) was established by Title VIII, Intelligence Community Reform Act of the FY 1997 Intelligence Authorization Act. The ADCI for Collection assists the DCI and the DDCI for Community Management in carrying out their responsibilities to ensure the most efficient and effective collection of national intelligence.

The ADCI for Collection helps ensure that the US Government has a world class, unified intelligence collection system, comprised of personnel and equipment that can efficiently obtain and deliver appropriate, timely, and cost effective information to its customers.

Under the general direction of the DDCI for Community Management, the ADCI for Collection works with the ADCI for Analysis & Production, the Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs, and the NFIP program managers to integrate Intelligence Community collection and production capabilities. The strategic collection thrusts required to achieve this objective include:

  • Establishing an integrated cross-intelligence discipline collection management process.
  • Linking collection capabilities to customers' needs and priorities. At the same time, link intelligence requirements and priorities to resources.
  • Determine the requirements that will drive US Intelligence collection systems capabilities for 2010.
  • Determining, establishing, and adjusting, as necessary, the structure and composition of Intelligence collection systems capabilities to address 2010 concerns.
  • Integrating collection and production planning processes to drive R&D and future intelligence acquisitions.
  • Balancing integrated collection with tasking, processing, exploitation, and dissemination ability.

The office of the ADCI for Collection has made significant strides in meeting these goals in its first six months of existence. The following are examples of accomplishments:

  • Established the Office of the ADCI for Collection, allocated functional responsibilities, and developed a program, budget, and personnel profile.
  • Identified authorities and responsibilities of the ADCI for Collection and the National Intelligence Collection Board in a Draft DCID on collection management.
  • Established a close relationship with the ADCI for Analysis and Production to ensure that collection initiatives reflect consumer needs and priorities.
  • Established an Integrated Collection Management Task Force, at the direction of the DCI, to develop a plan to overhaul the current "stove piped" intelligence collection management system.
  • Broadened and improved the operations of the National Intelligence Collection Board (NICB) to serve as the Community's overarching mechanism for ensuring seamless, cross-discipline, collaborative intelligence.
  • Increased the Collection Board's operations tempo and introduced new business practices to include: holding quarterly offsite meetings for principals to discuss strategic collection management issues; and establishing interagency working groups to develop initial findings and make recommendations for collection strategies.
  • Provided direct support to the DCI and DDCI in preparing cross-discipline collection assessments for NSC principals and Deputies Committee meetings; developed and presented cross-discipline briefings on collection capabilities to congressional committees and their staffs as well as National Security Council Staff Directors.
  • Ensured an appropriate allocation of collection assets against critical developments by coordinating strategies for imagery, SIGINT, and MASINT against key collection targets; and by ensuring that collection managers across all disciplines had contingency planning in place to collect against crisis situations.
  • Established collaboration with the ADCI for Analysis and Production and the National Intelligence Production Board (NIPB), e.g., co-chairing the National Civil Users Board, which addressed future imagery capabilities as well as future processing and dissemination requirements.
  • Strengthened the role of the National Intelligence Officers by providing guidance on intelligence needs for Collection Board assessments.
  • Established a joint Collection Board/Production Board working group to assess current collection and analytic capabilities and to develop strategies to improve the Community's performance; and assessing Hard Target Executive Board strategies and implementing after-actions for the DDCI/CM's Hard Target Joint Review Process.
  • Initiated strategic planning and evaluation activities, e.g., originated the development of a strategic intent and planning process for Community collection management; and worked with Community officers on collection requirements.

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Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production

The Assistant Director of Central Intelligence (ADCI) for Analysis and Production was also established by Title VIII, Intelligence Community Reform Act of the FY 1997 Intelligence Authorization Act. The ADCI for Analysis and Production assists the DCI and the DDCI for Community Management in carrying out their intelligence analysis and production responsibilities in order to ensure the most efficient and effective analysis and production of national intelligence.

The ADCI for Analysis and Production is responsible for providing oversight of the IC analysis and production elements, performing community-wide management functions to include personnel and resources.

The ADCI for Analysis and Production developed a program, budget, and manpower profile for the Office of the ADCI for Analysis and Production. As part of this effort, he recruited a staff of analytic professionals from throughout the IC to support the ADCI for Analysis and Production and the NIPB.

The office of the ADCI for Analysis and Production accomplished the following in FY 98:

  • Drafted a DCI Directive (DCID) outlining the ADCI for Analysis and Production's authorities and responsibilities and those of the NIPB.
  • Building on the NIPB Offsite in April, strengthened the role of the Board to address IC-wide production issues such as: Driving and refining collection by articulating customer-derived intelligence priorities.
    •  Encouraging cross-Community initiatives, particularly in technology.
    • Highlighting intelligence production blue ribbon programs.
    •  Leading assessments and evaluations of Community analytic capabilities
  • Launched the Future of Intelligence Analysis. This comprehensive report to the DCI will take a baseline look at analytic programs across the Community to assess capabilities against today's priorities and develop a strategic investment plan to help meet future requirements.
  • Led assessments of the Community's production posture against Hard Target countries that identified gaps in analytic capabilities, as well as near- and long-term resource adjustments to help fill those gaps.
  • Began transition of the pilot Civilian Intelligence Reserve to the operational Global Expertise Reserve. The pilot program, administered by the NIC as a service of common Community concern, recruited seven senior academics to provide watch coverage and in-depth background expertise for 12 Tier 3 and 14 Tier 4 countries.
  • Worked with the ADCI for Collection and DDCI for Community Management to monitor Community progress in responding to Admiral Jeremiah's recommendations following the Indian nuclear test last May and presented findings to the DCI's National Security Advisory Panel.
  • With the National Intelligence Officer (NIO) for Warning began a reassessment of the warning process to deal with the increasing complexity of traditional national security challenges and expand warning competence against new issues.
  • Developed Future of Intelligence Analysis projects designed specifically to address many of the analytic shortfalls highlighted by Admiral Jeremiah.
  • Worked with ADCI for Collection to ensure appropriate collection against key targets by revising DCI Guidance on Intelligence Priorities and linking it to specific intelligence needs and gaps and establishing a process of periodic review.
  • Addressed the Rumsfeld Commission's recommendations regarding the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, in cooperation with Community leaders and ADCI for Collection. Prepared an IC assessment of the "Intelligence Side Letter" written by the Commission.
  • Testified before SSCI on the implications of the Commission's findings for analysis, particularly the need to increase the Community's use of outside expertise.
  • Designed the Future of Intelligence Analysis project specifically to address many of the analytic shortfalls highlighted by the Commission.

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Posted: May 02, 2007 11:21 AM
Last Updated: May 02, 2007 11:21 AM
Last Reviewed: May 02, 2007 11:21 AM