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Office of Domestic Finance

President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

reference materials

04/04/2008 US Treasury Directives Icon: PDF Document
04/04/2008 President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy Committee Assignments Icon: PDF Document

First Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

Background Materials Part 1 Icon: PDF Document
Background Materials Part 2 Icon: PDF Document
Transcript Icon: PDF Document

Second Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

Agenda Icon: PDF Document
Transcript Icon: PDF Document

Third Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

06/18/2008 Table of Contents Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Agenda Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Transcript Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Outreach Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
Financial Literacy Volunteer Initiative Icon: PDF Document
Website Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Research Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
Financial Literacy Content Standard Icon: PDF Document
Critical personal Finance Topics Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Underserved Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
Establishment an Office of Entrepreneurial Education Icon: PDF Document
Future of Subprime Mortgages Propsal Icon: PDF Document
Future of Subprime Mortgages Background Icon: PDF Document
Model City Propsal Icon: PDF Document
Model City Background Icon: PDF Document
Model State Propsal Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Workplace Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
Background Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Youth Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
National Challenge Proposal Icon: PDF Document
06/18/2008 Financial Literacy and Education Commission Liaison Report Icon: PDF Document

Fourth Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

Table of Contents Icon: PDF Document
Agenda Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Outreach Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Research Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Underserved Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
  Statement of Principles and Recommendations for the Future of Sub-prime Mortgage Lending – Proposal Icon: PDF Document
  Community Financial Access Pilot – Background Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Workplace Committee Report Icon: PDF Document
  Creation of a Workplace Financial Literacy Honor Roll Award – Proposal Icon: PDF Document
  Workplace Financial Literacy Honor Roll – Background Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Youth Committee Postsecondary Honor Roll – Proposal Icon: PDF Document
  Postsecondary Honor Roll – Background Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Financial Literacy and Education Commission Liaison Report Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Highlights of Council Activities Icon: PDF Document
7/29/2008 Transcript Icon: PDF Document

Fifth Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

Agenda Icon: PDF Document
Draft Annual Report to the President of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy Icon: PDF Document
FLEC Liasion Report Icon: PDF Document
10/14/2008 Transcript Icon: PDF Document

Sixth Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

Federal Register Notice Icon: PDF Document
Agenda Icon: PDF Document
12/4/2008 Memo from the Chair Icon: PDF Document
12/4/2008 Draft Recommendations to the President Icon: PDF Document
12/4/2008 Draft Tips to Managing Your Money in Challenging Times Icon: PDF Document
12/4/2008 Webcast
Windows Media | Real Player
12/04/2008 Transcript Icon: PDF Document

Seventh Meeting of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy

Agenda Icon: PDF Document
Draft Annual Report to the President Icon: PDF Document
01/06/2009 Transcript Icon: PDF Document


Last Updated: January 30, 2009