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Office of Domestic Finance

Office of Financial Education

Eight Elements of a Successful Financial Education Program

The Office of Financial Education works to ensure that Americans have access to financial education programs that help them obtain practical knowledge and skills to make informed financial choices throughout their lives. The Office developed a list of eight elements of a successful financial education program, each element classified as relating to the program’s content, delivery, impact or sustainability. The primary purpose of the eight elements is to offer guidance to financial education organizations as they develop programs and strategies to achieve the greatest impact in their communities.

A successful program…

Content 1. focuses on basic savings, credit management, home ownership and/or retirement planning.
  2. is tailored to its target audience, taking into account its language, culture, age and experience.
Delivery 3. is offered through a local distribution channel that makes effective use of community resources and contacts.
  4. follows up with participants to reinforce the message and ensure that participants are able to apply the skills taught.
Impact 5. establishes specific program goals and uses performance measures to track progress toward meeting those goals
  6. demonstrates a positive impact on participants’ attitudes, knowledge or behavior through testing, surveys or other objective evaluation.
Sustainability 7. can be easily replicated on a local, regional or national basis so as to have broad impact and sustainability.
  8. is built to last as evidenced by factors such as continuing financial support, legislative backing or integration into an established course of instruction.